Chapter 1 I have to share a room with that?

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"Yes dad, I'll be fine driving myself."
"Ok, but please be careful and call me when you get on campus."
"I will dad and don't worry I'll call you everyday," I say before saying i love you and throwing the phone in my purse, which is lying in the passenger seat.
I turn up the radio and it's just news.
I couldn't believe it, I was driving to my new home on the campus of UOR and starting my first semester.

I continue my long drive until I see a sign that reads "University Of Rockhill" and I begin to get excited. I continue until I see the beautiful campus and park my car. I make my way to the front desk and ask the lady there for some help.
"Hi I'm Samantha West, and I was wondering if I could get some information?"
"Of corse Samantha, here is your packet with your dorm key and schedule." she says handing me a big tan envelop with my name on it. "Thank you," I state before walking down the hallway to find my dorm.

Room 568
Room 569
Ahh room 560 here it is. I put the key in and walk in.
I hadn't been to the restroom for about 5 hours so I'm in such a hurry that I don't even notice a boy sitting on the couch in the small living room.
I stop dead in my tracks and spin on my heels.
"Who are you" I ask staring him up and down.
He looks up from what he was doing and looks at me. A tiny smirk forms in he lips, giving me chills down my spine to my core.
"The better question is, who are you," he says standing up and walking toward me.
"I'm Sam West this is my room," I say crossing my arms and smirking.
"Well I'm Dylan Scott and this is my room too," he says crossing his arms and smirking trying to mock my motions.
Ohh great give me the one boy who looks to be the biggest douche bag on the campus.
I roll my eyes and continue my journey into the bathroom.
After cleaning my self up, I walk out to no longer see the boy and realize the door to his room is closed.
I shrug and grab my things and bring them to my room.
The room was a good size with a full sized bed with white bedding. There was a night stand and a bookshelf on one side of the room and a desk on the other with a chair. I plop my bags down and start to unpack.
By the Time I'm done its 6:00 p.m and I'm starving. I get off the floor where I was sitting, to go out to the kitchen/ living room.
I walk out to see Dylan sitting on the couch on his phone.
He looks up at me when he hears the door closed click shut.
He looks up, smiles, and then looks back down to his phone.
I walk to the fridge and before I can open it I hear Dylan's voice boom throughout the apartment and say "there's no food In there we have to get some."
He moves from his position on the couch and walks slowly towards where I was standing.
This is the first Time I actually get a good look at him. He's got light brown hair and green eyes. He seems to be muscular and looks to be 6'3.
"If you want I can pick you something up from somewhere," he says picking up his keys from the table.
"Yeah that be great," I say taking out a 10 dollar bill and holding it out to him. "No no I'll pay its fine he says declining the bill. "You sure?" I ask raising my eyebrows. "Yeah it cool I'll come back in a few and we can get to know each other" he says that winking and makes his way out of the room and shutting the door. my heart skipped a few beats.

About 20 Minutes later I hear the knob turn on the door and Dylan walks in with the food.

We sit on the couch and introduce our selves properly. Hearing about this guys past makes me wonder about a few things and I'm already getting the feeling, it's going to be a long semester.


Hi guys this is my first book and I'm terrified so don't kill me if its bad but it will get a lot better and a lot more steamy if you know what i mean... Anyways like and I'll try to update every other day if I can No promises.💋

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