Not so Prude || Michael

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Ivana's POV

"Would you shut up..." In movies throwing the pillow over your head would essentially make the noise go away. In this case im in reality and obviously the world blöödy hates me and it doesnt work. I continue groaning as if my complaining would fix the issue.

Down the street some idiot thought it would be hilarious to have a party at 3am on a monday morning and that is definitely not okay. Being the idiot I am, I left studying till the last minute and I am studying for this final which is in 6 hours and I havent gotten any sleep yet. I like my sleep , infact I very much do enjoy my sleep and would appreciate some quiet.

Frustratingly the studying wasnt working as I was getting lost in the lyrics from the - dare i say it good music taste - from the party and I close my text book putting it back on the shelf and deciding ill just study in the car tomorrow.

I hear some overly excited laughs and glass breaking just outside my window and I freeze in my bed , quickly sitting up and rushing over to my window to see two idiots standing in the middle of the road laughing about the fact that they broke a beer bottle on the concrete. The boy had dark blue hair and the girl had a grey sort of tinge. They were drunk emos and they were in my way. Then it hit me when I looked at the familiar structure. It was Michael. Of course the idiot throwing a party happened to be Michael , he lived down the road and was good mates with my brother Mason . My brother went off to college and this douche .. I have no idea what Michaels doing with his life to be honest.

"Excuse me.. could you shutup a little? ." They both look up to me , squinting their eyes trying to find the source of the beautiful voice -myself- and back at each other before laughing again. See , this is why I dont speak up for myself. People see my face and they cant take me seriously.

I could tell they were talking a little softer so I wouldnt hear but all I caught on was 'Masons sister.' "Dont you have a bed time?" The boy adds winking in my direction and I shut my window before they can continue their laughing at an insignifcant cracked bottle. I crawl back inside my window and pull over my curtains as i stomp over to my bed in defeat. I cant even have a normal conversation with anyone but my parents how am I supposed to have the patience win an argument with a sassy , fire headed drunks . When drunks cant even comprehend a sentence quick enough for my come back. Its not satisfying enough.

Back laying down on my comfortable bed , I hoped my parents upstairs couldnt hear the music as well since they have work early in the morning as well.

I hear a knock at the door and I curl up into my blankets a bit more , struggling to find the comfortable position and the same knocking continues . "Could anything else annoy me tonight?" I growl to myself pulling over the covers and tip toeing out of my room.

I check in the little peep hole and that stupid boy from outside my window is at my door step. "What are you doing here " I try and sound stern and provoking but the words come out muffled and scared.

"Let me in , the cops are arriving and I cant be seen there." He doesnt even squirm or sound panicked. He is actually quite calm which frustrates me. Like does this happen every weekend?

"Cant you just run away or something..You know like everyone else." I take a look behind him through the hole and notice that the street is packed with teenagers running in all directions.

"Drunk and running on main roads. That will turn out great." He scoffs and I cant believe his rudeness. Usually when you want something you be nice to the person to get it. Obviously this guy has no idea how to get what he wants. I wasnt going to lie , he was an attractive bloke and I was taking full advantage of the fact that I had a peep hole and could see out and he couldnt see in.

"Are you opening the door or not.."

"Why my house , out of the whole street . "

"I know you , your my neighbour Ivana." Yeah Its true , I know this kid too. I know of him. We never speak. Just the occasional look over at each other last year when we took the bus back from school. Or the occasional hello when he came over to visit my brother. Nothing exciting.

"Why cant you stay at Kevins..." I open the door slightly , complaining on his choice of home.

"Kevins baked.."

"Well im going to bed you have a good night night." I go to close the door but his foot jams it from closing and a smirk is brought upon his face and it kills my self esteem.

"ugh fine. But not one word." I point my finger right in his eyeball and he rolls his eyes as I walk inside leading him in.

Turning around I notice he hasnt moved from his spot at the front door. Even in the dark I could see his eyes looking me up and down , slowly lingering his eyes a bit lower and I look down and notice im wearing only an overized jumper without a bra and I feel my bare legs extremely exposed so I tug my jumper down as much as I can. As my cheeks flush I hear him take off his shoes and plot them in the middle of the floor. Rolling my eyes I bend over and pick them up for him tiptoeing to my room and putting my finger to my lip pointing upstairs hoping he gets the message. No thankyou Ivana? Or .. Ivana your my hero.

"Good choice by the way." He whispers as we walk up the stairs , his tiptoeing is quite professional whereas mine is quite equivalent to a herd of Lamas.

"Good choice of..?"

I feel something pinch my behind and I look back slapping his hand away. "Dude ! I will call the cops on you and feed you to the homeless!" I whisper shout and he smirks quite impressed.

"I was just answering your question." It then comes to my realisation , that I was indeed wearing sponge bob underwear. Wow Ivana , Get a hot , drunk college guy into your house at 3am and you wear spongebob undies. Ivana you fail at life literally. I mean God sometimes - and i mean sometimes- throws me opportunites but my horrible personality wrecks that really.

"Spongebobs getting what you aint." I laugh and quickly cover my mouth as I open my bedroom door.

"what .. vagina discharge?" He giggles and throws his hand over his mouth also. Obviously not at the fact that he was being loud but for the simple reason of him giggling . He gave me a stern look that stated 'that never happened'.

Before he could jump onto my bed I threw him down a throw pillow and one of my jumpers. Thats all a guy needs to sleep right?

"Your too kind." Flopping himself on to the floor , I get my self comfortable up on my soft bed with my warm blanket. I feel kind of bad for the guy but its bad enough hes in my home , my room at 3am. Thats as close as this charmer is getting.

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