Long long ago

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When the earth was made and when humans where made born there was no God at all and there was no kindness anywhere. If people where in need for some help, people would just pass and not help them at all. One day there was a mother who had twins, and the mother so kind to every one because she did not like to be rood ever. So she taught her daughter and son who where twins to always be kind to everyone. when the kids where 20 there mother died but her last words where "children will you please do me a favor to always be kind to every one no mater what and I love you both very much and I will always love you." those where her last words. The twins stayed true with those words that there mother said. A year later a baker in need, needed with making his bread, so he went on the street and asked for help but people walked past him pretending that he did not exist at all. But when the twins went past him,they stopped and helped the man in need with his cooking. But when they where done the baker said he would repay the twins back with money, but the twins refused the money all they wanted was the man to help other people in need and to refuse the money and say that all you want is for them to help other people in need. Sooner or later the people in the town did not pass the baker that needed help they helped and helped and helped everyone. It grew and grew all over the world and sooner or later everyone was helpful and kind to everyone. And because of there kindness a god was made to Watch over to make sure they are being good.
My god was I that bad at writing a year ago. *starts to hit face on phone* I'm *slam* so *slam*so *slam* so *slam* embarrassed *slam* at *slam*my *slam*writing *slam* skills. T_T -_- Any way I will keep this for shoot and giggles and what I should never do making a story. I'm still disappointed in my self T_T. There are no other part I was a noob and made this the first day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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