Chapter Five-Nightmares

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     Who's awesome? I'm awesome. Two updates, half an hour or so apart. AND NOT A MONTH APART LIKE USUAL OMG WHAT IS THIS?? But nah, I'm sorry about neglecting this story. I'll try and work on it, but other stories, a lot of them have been taking over my brain space and life, for that matter, but I really do like this story and I will try and update a bit more frequently. These updates in rapid succession are an apology for my absence in the past and most likely in the future. It's also a thank you for putting up with this crap. ONWARD! 


     Draco's eyes winded in pure panic as Harry doubled over in pain, a choked scream leaving pale lips as his hands flew up to clutch his head. 

     "Potter? Potter!" Draco yelped, hands fluttering about the boys body, not knowing what to do. Harry let out a gurgled noise before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he slumped into Draco's unprepared arms. He quickly adjusted Harry so he was laying on the couch, something which was far too easy considering the boy was six in age. His mind flickered back to the suggestion of abuse, but he decided that this was far more important at the moment.

     He quickly assessed the boys head, which seemed to be the main problem, pushing back the fringe and taking off the glasses. He frowned worriedly at seeing an angry, bleeding scar. He summoned a rag from somewhere he didn't care to think about, wetting it with a quick Aguamenti. He dabbed the dampened cloth at Harry's forehead, cleaning up the blood that had run down his temple and cheek.

     When he realized what he was doing he almost smacked himself for the stupid mothering traits Narcissa seemed to have passed on, before pushing it aside and focusing on Harry. 

     He sighed in relief when he cleaned up all the blood, and picked up the unconscious Harry worriedly. He carried him gently to the rooms, and dropped him off in what he assumed was Harry's room, as it sure as Hell wasn't his. He didn't have plushies. 

     He set Harry down gently, and Harry latched onto the werewolf and grim plushie before Draco could do anything. He curled into a little ball and burrowed underneath the blankets Draco placed over him. Draco let a delicate smile cross his face, before he roughly shook his head. Bad Draco! He scolded. He was not supposed to find the enemy cute, adorable and he was not supposed to worry over him! 

     But he's so tiny and un-Potter like, a nagging voice in Draco's head murmured. 

     Enemy! Another reminded sharply. 

     The poor kids been abused! Lay the bloody Hell off! The first one argued. When Draco realized what was going on in his own head he decided he was indeed going completely batty. Maybe the potion fumes affected him more than he first thought. He slipped into the shower, deducing it would be a while before Harry woke up. 

     It was indeed a while before Harry awoke. Draco had been in the 'living room' as he had deduced it, doing his homework which had been delivered by a House-Elf and contemplating things about the room he really should ask, when he heard the scream that almost caused him to spear his eyeball with a quill. 

     He dropped the suddenly dangerous item and raced to Harry's room, where the terrified scream was coming from. He was by Harry's bed in a moment, slightly stunned and scared to see the boy thrashing wildly in the bed, the plushies circling him in mid air like an angry stuffed cyclone. 

      Draco gathered his small amount of courage and grabbed Harry softly by the head, one arm pinning his torso still. His thumb stroked Harry's cheek as he softly encouraged the boy to wake up.

     There were tears in Harry's eyes when the emerald orbs fluttered open, and Draco completely forgot who he was, who this six year old was and where he was. He leaned down to pull the smaller form into his own, the small arms clinging to him. Draco carefully wrapped his arms around the little boys form, holding him close to Draco's body as he softly rocked them and murmured reassurances into the smaller boys ears. Harry clung to him, seeking out the unfamiliar comfort. 

     Harry seemed to fall asleep as the minutes ticked by, but Draco was unaware of the constantly changing time as his worry overtook him. Even though the boy was asleep, Draco wrapped himself around the smaller form and laid down. Harry cuddled into his side and Draco gripped him tightly, absentmindedly playing with a stag plushie as his mind slowly calmed down, along with his racing heart. 

     There were four plushie, Draco noted after a moment. They had dropped to the bed when Harry had woken up, and lay somewhat haphazardly around the dark green sheets. One was a stag, the others a werewolf, grim and dragon. Rather odd and random set to have, but he supposed Harry liked them. Who was he to judge? He could have a raccoon and a raven and Draco would still not even ask. 

     He eventually fell into a peaceful sleep, Harry's quickly steadying breathing calming him efficiently. 

     When Draco next awoke, something was thrashing against his side. Draco shot into awareness, and quickly attempted to calm to frightened boy. Little whimpers escaped Harry's mouth as he experienced his nightmare, and Draco felt helpless.

     He shook Harry gently, and the boy almost screamed when his eyes snapped open to see Draco less than a foot away. Draco shushed the other boy and pointlessly smoothed out Harry's hair. It was to calm the boy, after all.

     Draco seemed to have forgotten who Harry was, though Harry still had memories of the blond, some vivid and others vague. This didn't match up at all to everything he knew about the Pureblood.

     "What was the nightmare about, Harry?" Just like that, Harry was snapped back out of his musings and transported to the real world. A whimper escaped his lips and he snuggled into Draco almost desperately.

     "Harry, c'mon Raven, talk to me," Draco whispered, rocking the two of them. Harry's head snapped up in poorly concealed shock. 

     "What did you call me?" He whispered, his voice hoarse and harsh from the screaming and crying. Draco absentmindedly wiped away the tear tracks Harry hadn't even been aware of. 

     "Raven. I'm sorry. I'll stop. But talk to me, Harry." Draco said, almost pleading.

     Harry shook his head rapidly. "I don't mind," He said quietly, against his gut telling him this man was not to be trusted. He wasn't really sure why it was saying that anyways. "there....there was a man with a scary face...and a woman with red hair...and a lot of green light...he killed her Draco." Harry whispered, clutching a suddenly still Draco's shirt. "He killed her and I don't know how I know." He continued, voice trembling. 

     Just like that, Harry was gathered in his arms tightly once more, and soon he was soundly asleep. Draco however, was a bit more restless. It seemed Harry remembered that night, if he had to guess. He knew the boy was most likely plagued with nightmares, with how much the dark circles under his eyes stood out, but if those nightmares continued to haunt him Draco wasn't sure his mother-henning would ever stop. 

     He held Harry tightly and fell asleep, this time neither of them woke up until the clock was ticking close to eleven A.M.

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