7 mothes later

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2 am Zoe's POV   date they where born September the 24th of 2012 24/9/12

" Niall " woke up screaming noticing harry was in the bed  

" what up " harry said panicking niall heard me and he  

Came rushing throw  

" are you ok " he said  

" no am having a baby " I screamed at the  

" you can't be your early " harry said I squeezed his hand  

" i'am having it now " I said  

" phone ambulance " Niall shouted

The ambulance came and I got rushed in to hospital  

I got put into the labour ward

4 hours later

I had a boy and a girl

Welcome in to the world  

I write on the Birth pass  

Luke James Niall Styles  

Ally Lexi Anne noelle styles

Luke looked like niall so we took blood test and Luke was Niall s then I had to change Luke's name to horan 

" can't believe my cousin had a baby with me on the other hand how did he I don't want to make a big dell about it In Hospital I am to tired " I thought to myself 

Ally was Harry's

" Well done mate " harry said to niall and niall said to harry

Luke stopped breathing so he had to get tubes into him and pads on his chest to help him to breath  

He stared breathing but they keeped him on oxygen and they still had to monitor his heart rate  

In case it dropped niall sat next to Luke and harry was next to ally harry put ally in with Luke s

" mate he needs his sis to survive " harry said taking picture and putting it on twitter  

" welcome into the world baby girl and my Nephew there names are Ally Lexi Anne noelle styles and the wee man is Luke James Niall horan " I tweeted  

" a fan tweeted who had them and they are cute  

My girlfriend and niall cousin  

Is that two different people  

No niall done it by an accident  

Me to I tweeted  

They are really cute she tweeted back  


"Niall are you hungry " harry said to him  

" no mate I just want to spend time with my boy " niall said to harry  

" ok " harry said back think he was shocked 

" Niall horan is it " the nurse walked in  

" ye it me " niall said  

" your son is fine he is not going to die or be in hospital all the time he will be fit to go home tomorrow " she said walking out  

Niall POV  

Me and harry stayed with Zoe and the baby's  

I woke up with Luke and Ally for food I feed them newborn milk and they fell back to sleep  

I put on twitter come on wee man your my fight you can do this no you will make this make me and mummy proud well done niece + second cousin your big and strong your there to support your brother thanks night/ afternoon / morning fans x

My bully kidnapped me and my brother (fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now