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            Caleb peeked out the door before coming back in the dressing room. "I hope you don't mind me asking but how the hell are you going to get me out of here without being spotted? I think that is some key information for me to know," I asked him, not completely trusting him. I mean there are a hundred something people walking around backstage. It's nearly impossible.

Caleb turned towards me and covered his heart dramatically. "Luna, your lack of faith in me wounds me. Right here, in the heart," He says sarcastically. I laugh at him. How can someone so dorky be so famous? "But if you must know, I will tell you. At the end of the hallway is a secret place for me to leave. Only Stan and I know about it so no crew members can give my location away to fans. We find a spot like that at each venue we go to," He explains to me. That is actually pretty smart. Who said celebrities are empty minded?

I smiled. I could actually get away with all this. "Awesome. What are we waiting for then?" I ask him.

"Nothing. Let's go. We have to be careful though. You are so close to getting away with this," Caleb rejoices. I smile and then he looks out the door before motioning me to come out. When I leave the room I notice no one around. People must be instructed not to come around here. "Follow me," Caleb tells me in a whisper. We walk quietly to the end of the hall and then I see a discreet door. I say discreet because there is no way I would have noticed it without someone showing me. There is a curtain that runs along the wall but there is a door behind it at one point. I stand in front of it ready to go.

I looked up at Caleb who is actually really tall. Being 5'5, most guys are taller than me but he was like almost a whole foot taller than me. "Well this is my stop. It was very nice meeting you Caleb Baker," I said in a silly tone. I stuck my hand out for him to shake and he looked at it with confusion and high fived it. I wondered why he did that and I remembered it was because I did the same to him before. I laughed and he laughed too.

"It was very nice meeting you Luna Vipond. Now you stay out of trouble young missy," he said, copying my silly tone.

"For that I cannot guarantee. When trouble calls, I must answer it. And you only get in trouble when you get caught and I don't intend on doing that," I joke with him. I start hearing talking and I know it's time to go. "But, in all seriousness that I can handle, thank you for not narking on me and helping out. I owe you one," I tell before stepping out the door.

I turn around because I hadn't heard the door close yet. "You're welcome. I might cash in on your 'I owe you'. Bye Luna," he says before waving and closing the door. I smile at the fact that I did it. I'm so happy I got out. I look around and notice I'm in the back of the building so I run around the side to my beautiful terrible car. Life is hard for a college student. I get in a start it up and pull out the lot to head home. Amelia is going to flip.

I turn up the music and jam out. I laugh when a Caleb Baker song comes on. I turn up the volume and sing along to the parts I know in honor of our meeting. It takes me 20 minutes to drive home. I'm so glad it was so close to the venue.

I park my car in the garage and jump out, ready to share my adventure with Amelia. I pull out my keys that have a lot of key chains and look for my keys. I have a thing for key chains. Once I find my keys I unlock the door to go inside. When I walk in a see Amelia waiting on the couch.

As soon as she sees me she jumps up and runs towards me. "Bro what happened! Why did it take you so long! What's the surprise!" she yell asks me. "I really did think something happened to you even after your text."

I laugh silently at her and put my hands on her shoulders to calm her down. "I'm fine obviously. As for your other questions, I think you will find all your answers in my photo library," I say before handing her my IPhone. She grabs it in confusion but clicks on my photo library anyway. She starts looking at the pictures I took with things backstage.

"Holy crap, you actually did it. I don't see how this is a surprise though," She tells me when she is looking at the set list picture. My picture with Caleb is the only other one I took after that.

"Just keep on going," I encourage her. She shrugs and continues to swipe. Once she sees the picture with Caleb her eyes widen and she swipes away from the picture and back to it to see if it is real.

"No way! You met Caleb Baker! Oh my god what happened!" She yells at me again. I laugh at her reaction. I start to tell her the whole story beginning from when I was changing into the business clothes and ending when he sneaked me out. Amelia was engaged the entire time. She was gasping at some parts and laughing at some others. I could tell that this was a very good story. "So are you guys in love now?" she asks me after I finish my story.

I look at her in shock. "What? No. I'll probably never see him again and I'm alright with that. You know I'm not looking for romance," I tell her. She knows I'm not the type of girl that wants to fall in love so it surprises me she would ask such a question.

She puts her hands up in defense. "Can you blame me for wanting you guys to? If I can't have Caleb Baker's children then being the godmother to his children is a close second," she explains to me. I lightly punch her shoulder.

"There is no loving each other, there are no children, and, from this point on, there will be no Caleb," I tell her sternly. Instead of responding, she laughs and walks away. She might be crazy.

Then she turns around and looks at me with amusement. "Luna, you are a living cliché. You are going to be like 'Oh I don't like him even though I do.' Then he'll open your eyes and you'll realize you love him. I've read it a gazillion times before," she foresees. Okay, now I know she is crazy. I'm aware that this situation can turn into a cliché but it is not going to. The only time I'll think about him is when I tell my story, other than that he won't cross my mind.

"Look Amelia, I know you genuinely believe this is going to happen but I know nothing is going to happen. Also it is impossible I would even see him again," I tell her. Her eyes widen.

"You didn't give him your number?" Amelia asks with shock. I don't understand why she is so surprised.

"No. Why would I? He would just be a waste of space on my phone. Do I need to remind you that I only have eight gigabits on my phone?" I ask her.

She shakes her head at me. "Fine fine. But don't come crying to me when you realized that you should have given him your number," Amelia mocks me.

"Oh I can guarantee that will never happen," I tell her. She smiles again and walks towards her room. I shrug and go to sit on the couch. She has gone nuts. Amelia gets this way whenever she sees me interact with and a boy. It gets annoying. She's been convinced that I'm in love with my coworker, Oliver, since I started working there two years ago. Oliver and I have been from the beginning. We just get along because we like to play pranks and dare each other to do things in the store. I actually thought he sort of liked Amelia. But, unlike Amelia, I won't pry into their love life. I know she only does it because she cares but it sort of makes a lot of things awkward for not only me but the other boy in the situation. It's a good thing that my 'relationship' with Caleb won't extend past what happened today.

(A/N This is definitely not the best I've written. Sorry if there are any errors in these chapters by the way. I try to reread it and catch any mistakes but I know I miss some. I don't think anyone is reading any of my story but that's all right. Oh and this is the second story I've written more than 2 chapters for so yay me. Also Amelia is in the media.) 

Next Update: Wednesday

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