Wait for Me

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Few hours more and I'm about to sail,

I can't sleep due to what I feel;

It's a sleepless night for me,

knowing that tomorrow, I'll be far away.

I hate to wake you up babe,

I better let you sleep when I leave.

But I need you to hug me

so tightly that to leave, you won't let me.

Times passing, the clock is ticking.

Deep within my heart I am crying;

so before I leave, let me sing a song,

so that in your memory, I will last long.

Time is running, my heart is opposing,

I just want to wake up, if I am only dreaming.

I see your anxious face with tears falling

from then, I realize that I'm not fantasizing.

I have to go not to leave you,

but it's for our future to shine and glow;

wherever I'll be, don't forget our pact,

wait for me, 'coz I'll be back.

Wait for MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon