(PARTS 28 - 30)

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Charlie's POV

She and I walk hand in hand down the familiar streets and towards a place we both know very well. I can tell she recognizes it when she squeezes my hand, and I squeeze back.
"Charlie this is the greatest spot you could have picked for a second date," she beamed, leaning up to give me a quick peck on the cheek.
I'm smiling so much my face hurts, returning her kiss with a peck to her forehead before pulling her with me into the arcade.
"Here we are," I announce, gesturing to the rows and rows of arcade games, "back to where it all began."
I went and got us some tokens to start the adventure, and the first game Y/N wanted to play was the old NASCAR game that caused the fateful bet. She threw a leg over the fake car seat and settled in, pushing two tokens into the slot before turning to look at me, her eyes full of fire. God I was so in love with her.
"Think you can handle this?" She challenged, tossing me two tokens. I caught them and grinned, sliding into the seat next to her.
"Oh you are so on," I said, accepting her challenge, "what does the winner get?"
"I'm feeling thirsty. Loser buys sodas." She replies with a cheeky smile.
I laugh at her reasoning, putting my tokens into the machine. "Someone's confident they're going to win."
The race was a close one, but she did beat me. It was only by a millisecond though.
I raise my arms in defeat, sighing as I hop off the machine.
Y/N pumps her fist in the air and cheers "Hell yeah I won! Suck my ass Lenehan!"
"Yeah, sure, maybe later." I replied playfully. That earned me a well deserved smack to the head.
She leans over and kisses me
on the cheek, before whispering in my ear, "get me a sprite please."
I ruffle her hair and nod, walking off to go get her the soda she won, leaving her to play another round of the NASCAR racing game.
I get two sodas, one for me and one for her, only to be met with the sight of Y/N and some guys I've never seen before.

(Your POV)

You pop another two tokens it the game and play another round of racing. You feel someone lean against the side of the chair, and you turn your head. You are met with a pair of blue eyes, but they are definitely not Charlie's.
"Excuse me..?" you start to ask, but the guy leaning against your seat cuts you off.
"You're pretty good at that game," he says. Behind him are what appear to be his two friends.
"Thanks I guess," you reply, hoping he'll just walk away."
"What's a cute girl like you doing at an arcade all by herself?" He asks, smiling at you.
Honestly he wasn't unattractive in terms of looks, but he was obviously trying to flirt with you and not being too subtle about it.
"This cute girl is waiting for her date to come back with drinks," you tell him, standing up and walking away towards another game.
He follows you, putting his hand next to your head and the other on your waist, his two friends blocking your escape routes.
"I don't see your date." He says, leaning closer into your face.

Goddammit Charlie, where the fuck are you right now.

Charlie's POV

When I see some guy with his hands on Y/N I get the urge to beat him to a pulp. .. and that's exactly what I planned to do. Before I could shout at them, I see Y/N slap the one in front of her straight across the face and he falls to his knees from the shock and pain of the slap.
As usual, my princess was not the typical damsel in distress. She could handle herself and that quality was something I loved about her, but that wasn't going to stop me from saving her anyway.
I make my way to Y/N, slipping my arm around her waist, stepping between her and the guy she just slapped.
"Hey babe, here's your soda," i say as I kiss her on the forehead.
The two friends of that guy who just tried to move in on Y/N start closing in on us, when one of them hits the soda out of my hand. The next thing I know they're throwing punches at us and I'm doing my best to strike back while protecting Y/N.
The fight went by like a blur, and the last thing I remember is going out cold as I lie on the floor. i come back to my senses when I feel Y/N's warm hand wrapping something around my wrist.
"Did I beat them? Am I hurt?" I ask, attempting to sit up.
Y/N runs her hand through my hair and smiles, looking me straight in the eyes.
"Yes Charlie, you beat them. Thank you for rescuing me, not that I really needed it."
I raise an eyebrow at her.
"Then how come I just woke up? Did they not know me out?"
She laughed and rolled her eyes, her smile brightening.
"Nope. You went out in the manliest way possible. When they hit the soda out of your hand it spilled everywhere and after you knocked all three f them out you slipped on the ice and hit your head."
"Seeing you smile is my favorite second favorite thing in the world," I say.
"Yeah, them what's the first?" She teases.
"Knowing I'm the cause of your smile."
She smiles even wider at my cheesy joke, pulling me by the collar and pressing our lips together.

If this wasn't love, I'm not really sure what would be.



I'm hoping to be back on Instagram by the 11th of August (which is my birthday so hopefully I can get it fixed)
If y'all wanna give me a shoutout (@charlielemonhan) and let people know my fic is updated that would be amazing.

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