Chapter 4

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Sorry for the cliff hanger... follow me and ill update!


When I got to the boys flat I looked at my un-read phone I had 23 mesegges from all of the boys exept harry and niall. When i read one 'hey where did you go?' That one was from liam, 'Come back sage we need you!', that one was from louis thos are the only ones i read I want up to harrys room cuz if I was in nialls room, niall would be mad at me. While I was in harrys room I desided to look around in his room i looked under his bed and found letters to me i onpen toh first one 'Sage I like you a lot and so dose niall but I've never felt this way I should ask you out but niall called dibs on you so i couldnt touch you haha well bye'

I read only that one and cried remembering him fliting with me i smiled at the thought


Its been 3 mounths harry was in the hospittel but he gets out today think goodness ive missed that boy

"Sage go get the... umm..."

"Food?" I ask niall with a cheeky grin. He nods as he gose up stares to get ready. I sit the table up like harry would. "Oh my god." I sreamed when the dorr bell rang, I ran as fast as i could and flung open the door to see an exited harry. He jumped up and down and hugged me, niall didnt care, he knew how much harry ment to me... like a big brother ive never had.

We talked a for a little bit and harrys head began to hert a little so I took him to his room "Harry i know you like me." I said braking the silens he looked at me and said "You do?"

"Yes I do and its kida cute." We leand in for a kiss our lips move in syc it was amazing, unfortinitly niall, my boy friend walked in and gasped at the sight and ran down the hall to his room and slamd his door and i could here niall throughing things.

Harrys Pov*

Oh my god sage moss my crush just kissed me. 'BOOM', i herd some thing fall, so I walked out of my room to see niall had fallen down the stares, but then i seen sage standing at the top with a look in her eyes Ive never sean before . Oh my god she pushed niall down the stares. She looked at me like she didnt mean to "WTF SAGE, YOU TWO GET IN A FIGHT AND YOU PUSH HIM DOWN THE STARES!?!?!"

"Harry its not what it looks like, I... I pushed him becaus he shuved me and slaped me." She begain to cry I tried to hug her but she ran away to her room and slamd the door. The other boys went out with thier girl friends so me sage and niall stayed behind. Niall got up and ran up the stares and punched me, the impact made me fall. "Thanks harry now my own girl friend dosent love me because of you, you just had to have her huh?" He kicked me and walked off. What did I just do to them? Sudinly sage opens her door stagering, 'she had went out and got her some vocqua' I remberd. She walk over to me and pointed to my room, I said no "no silly we are going to sleep." She slered it was funny "hang on let me go get some thing." She ran to her room almost falling she came back with her drink and we went to my room. As soon as she laid down she passed out, so I went down stares and fell asleep on the couch.


Do y'all think sniall are done? :'(

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2013 ⏰

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