Chapter One: The End

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All I have ever wanted in my life was to be at least a little bit normal. When I was younger my life was a little more normal than it is now. It was much more peaceful back then, fighting wasn't as common  and Alex was still going to be my next door neighbor/best friend.

Alex has been my best friend since we were born, well kind of. My mom had just given birth to me a couple months before they moved into the house next door to ours. Alex had been born two months before me. With children the same age, our moms became good friends, and so did Alex and I.

The friendship came a little later, I don't think babies really understand friendship. Even though I have two older brothers, he and I bonded more than they ever did.

Alex is one of the only people that can keep me sane. My sister is also pretty good at that, but Alex is probably the best at it. He can take me away from the yelling and screaming that goes on at my house and tell me that everything is going to be okay. And sometimes it would end up being okay. But not always.

This past June was not a good one for me, the almost constant fighting between my parents had stopped a little bit. I should've known something was going to happen. June 23rd was the day they told me Leah, Jason and Bradley that they were getting a divorce. We were at the the dinner table when out of nowhere my mother said

"Your Father and I are getting a divorce."

I  had dropped the spoonful of mashed potatoes I was about to eat onto my plate, Jason had almost choked on his peas, Bradley just sat there with a blank face and when I looked at Leah she looked heartbroken.

    Neither of them said anything else leaving us dumbfounded, the only other thing they said during the course of that meal was if one of us could pass them a bowl or plate with some food on it. I had wanted to go straight over to Alex's house after dinner and tell him what happened but he had been camping with his dad that weekend so i couldn't talk to him until Friday. When I finally got a text from him that friday afternoon saying that he was back.

I had basically ran over to his house and knocked on the door. He had answered the door quickly and when he saw that I was upset he closed the front door and asked me what was wrong. I told him what had happened a couple days before at dinner. He gave me a hug and calmed me down somewhat.

" I know this isn't the best time, but I wanted to tell you this myself."
I had looked up at him confused and he had taken a deep breath before he said

"We're moving."

I broke down crying again right there on his front porch he pulled me in for another hug and just held me in his arms for a while as I cried. The world had decided to make that week the worst one I had ever had. 

Both of those things happened almost two months ago. It's now mid august, Alex was moving today. We spent the last month doing things that we love to do with each other and things we always wanted to do. Back in early July he had began to teach me how to surf near the pier. I always wanted to learn but I was too scared. He convinced me to let him teach me how to, and it actually wasn't that scary once I got used to it. It took almost an hour to get there every time we went but it was worth it.

I've been dreading today since Alex told me the date he would be moving. I tried not to think about it during our hike through the Hills yesterday, when we got to the top we looked out over the city. We didn't say anything we just looked out, but he did something that he hadn't done since we were little.  He held my hand. I was shocked when he did that but I just let it happen. He was leaving. He probably just wanted me to know that he was going to be there for me.

    Now I am standing on my front lawn looking at Alex's family load up their car, the moving trucks left a while ago. I see Alex come out of his house with a Nike shoe box and He walks over to me.

" I have something for you." He says holding out the box.

"What is it?" I ask as he hands me it.

"Open it." He says smiling softly

I open the box and see a stack of envelopes tied together with a ribbon. I push the bow that Alex's mom probably tied and see a little post-it note that says

Open When.. Letters for Cassidy

I pick up the stack of envelopes and see that there is a lot of them.

"How many are there in this?" I ask

"About thirty, I tried to to think of times you might need my advice or something and wrote a letter for each one I could think of so when you are sad, angry or something else you can open one of the letters."

I feel tears start to run down my cheeks I put the envelopes and shoebox down and gave him a hug. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and just cried. When we pulled away from the hug I saw that he had tears running down his cheeks. He rarely cries

"Thank you Alex, you are so sweet and i'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too Cass, I'll call you as soon as we get there.

A couple minutes later his parents call for him to say his last goodbye because they need to leave. He pulls away from another hug  and looks at me.

"Stay Strong Cass." He says wiping away some of my tears.

"I'll Try." I say trying my best to smile.

He gives me one last hug before walking over to the car. before he gets in he looks back at me and waves. I wave back sadly. A minute later the car pulls out of the driveway and drives down the street.

I don't start crying again until the car is out of sight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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