Chapter 8 - Muse

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Last period on Friday was double History with Mr. Treagus. We were working on an essay about the final days of Stalin—and as fascinating as it was, it just couldn’t hold my interest. My mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of my impending meeting with Lee. Every couple of minutes, I’d glance up at the clock. I was counting down the seconds till five, wondering whether or not I was doing the right thing.

The past two days had been a nightmare of epic proportions, trying to evade both Becky and Frasier. I couldn’t deal with any more of Frasier’s hare-brained theories, and Becky was hell-bent on getting me to go to a party tonight. Using the cunning of an M16 agent, I’d managed to dodge them both by hiding out at the gym during lunchtime and leaving class early each day. They probably knew I was avoiding them, but I didn’t care. All I could focus on right now was this date with Lee. Everything else would have to go on the back-burner.

When the bell finally rang, I packed up and raced to the bathroom to get changed. I’d brought a duffel bag containing make-up, hair gel, jeans and a black fitted sweater. I didn’t want to overdo it, but I was getting my portrait done, so thought I should at least make an effort. After applying a little mascara and lip-gloss, I worked some gel through my hair to create the same style I’d had at Taffin’s party. The one Lee had liked so much.

When I was satisfied that I looked the part, I headed out to the main hall, which led to the front of the building. A twinge of nerves hit me as I approached the reception desk. I was praying that Becky wouldn’t still be lurking about somewhere. The last thing I needed was another interrogation.

As I turned into the hall, I was relieved to see the place mostly deserted, except for one or two teachers who were still in their classrooms working overtime. It seemed that on Fridays, most students wanted to leave the building as soon as possible to embrace the weekend and freedom.

Five minutes later, I was standing outside the steel entrance gates, scanning the street for Lee’s Lotus. It was quarter past. Glancing left and right, I couldn’t see any sign of a bright yellow vehicle. Then I heard a low, hollow beep and saw what I thought was Lee’s car parked quite some distance away. Cautiously, I followed the direction of the sound until I was clearly able to see that it was, in fact, him.

“Why did you park so far up?” I demanded, climbing in the passenger side. “I could barely see you.”

Without answering, he turned the wheel and set the car in motion. Within seconds, we were on the main road heading east.


“I didn’t think you’d want everyone watching me pick you up,” he replied evenly. “Plus, I’m sort of dodging Becky at the moment.”

I snickered. “Right, so now we’re on the run, are we? Sort of like Bonnie and Clyde.”

“Bonnie and Clyde,” he murmured, trying it out for size. “I like it. Yes, I suppose we are.” He glanced at me. ”I presume Becky doesn’t know about us meeting?”

“No. Why should she? It’s none of her business.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He turned sharply at a corner and I cursed myself for not fastening my seatbelt. “So nobody knows you’re with me tonight?” He emphasized the word “nobody.”

I shook my head. “No, I haven’t told anyone.” The instant I said it, all of my old paranoia came flooding back. Why was he so interested in whether I’d told anyone? Had I just climbed in a car with Jack the Ripper or something?

A slight smile crept across his flawless lips. “Don’t worry, I won’t bite.”

We both laughed, but it didn’t seem funny. I noted that we were now heading to a part of town I wasn’t familiar with, and I wondered how easy it would be to find my way home, should a situation arise.

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