Maybe he is sorry. Like I'd ever believe that

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This last year has been the best of my life! No I'm not kidding. You'd think being kicked out of my house and put on the street would make me jump off a bridge or something. I thought about it just to be cliché. To bad I love myself way too much. Sorry if your a hopeless romantic that wanted me to try to die and end up being rescued by my prince. where he took me away from my pain and fixed my broken mind.
This isn't a fix it story.
Somehow I ended up in Georgia about a year after it happened. Still don't know what brought me there. I had been drifting all over the south doing little jobs here and there. Just to have money to move to the next place.
3 bad things happen when I got to Georgia.
1) My truck broke down in the middle of nowhere.
2) The tow company wouldn't show until tomorrow.
3) I Woke up to Spade Heart standing over my cold lifeless body.
Now before you ask no I was not dead. Just asleep like one and it was winter so I was freezing. Argo Cold lifeless body. I'm morbid I know.
" Jaclyn!! Is that really you?" I opened my eyes to see the one person I'd jump off a bridge NOT to see. He does look good for having been a year.
" Spade what the hezz are you doing here? I thought your playboy ways would have gotten you killed by now." I yelled pushing him a way from me and jumped away.
" That hurts. Do you really think that low of me?" He pouts like a 3 year old which happens to be 5 years older then he should be. " Yeah actually I kind of do. you did get me kicked out of my house" I said batting my eyes.
" Not on purpose!!! How are you by the way? Other than the obvious. I pretty sure that's the first thing people say after not seeing each other for about a year." That's the dumbest thing I've heard in my life. I almost want to pat his head and say ' We aren't friendly enough for that. So instead I hit him on the back of the head and said " I don't like you enough to care about how you are. And you interrupted my sleep A-hat. Your luck I don't kill you myself!!! I'm doing good though." He rubbed he head and glared at me.
" Ow! Women you hit hard. And why won't you kill me? Is it because I'm so HOT?" I really wanted to smack him. I regret not doing so. " Don't get a head of yourself. I just don't feel like digging a 6 foot hole , dragging your heaviness into said hole , and then filling it back up with dirt. Too much work man. Also. IF YOU EVER CALL ME WOMEN AGAIN I WILL PUNCH YOUR STOMACH TILL YOUR ABS DEFLATE!!!" He looked me over.
" First off abs don't deflate. Second are you bipolar or just plan weird? Not that I'm complaining just want to know if you have something that could pass to our future children, Jared and Liberty" Is he for real. " Yes I am for real Jack." oh my he's a mind reader no wonder he kisses so well. " what pizza am I thinking about?" Don't say Junk, don't say junk, don't say- " Um Pepperoni. Why?" Yes!!! He didn't say junk and he looks so cute when he's confused. No bad Jack. Bad Jack. Jack. " I was testing to see if you where a mind reader." I wish I could steal his eyes maybe if he lets me get close... " I'm not and I'm glad cause I'm pretty sure your mind is a scary twisted place." you have no idea " I'm hurt. also you have to go now. So I never have to see you and your steal able eyes." wait did I actually say that out loud. slapping a hand over my mouth, I start to blush I'm glad it's not as noticeable. While Spade- hole was laughing like someone had just told him something funny. His eyes are not funny there adorable. Sadly. " I'm not going anywhere without you sweetheart. I got you into this mess now I have to get you out of it." Boys you can't understand them and I don't even care to try. " Well I have a tow truck coming soon so I don't need you tempting me" I really need to get a brain to mouth filter. " You think I'm tempting?" He smirked and did that one eyebrow lift thing that I dislike so much. number 2 on my list to do when he sleeps shave off his left eyebrow. though I'm not doing the 1st one. to much blood. " yes your eyes are tempting me to gorge them out with a spoon and your attitude tempts me to slap/kill you every 5 seconds." He face falls. Yes.
Jack: 1
Spade: 16362683
At lest I'm catching up SLOWLY. " What is it with you and my eyes?" Dang must not say truth.
" There so pretty I want them for myself but I can't sadly have them. plus they look better on you then they ever would be on me." Dang Filterless mouth!!!! I dislike you so much!!!!! I said the truth." If it helps you forgive me for what I did then take them." I give him a one over. " You cray cray. I don't want your eyes. well I do but not enough to take them." before he could answer the tow truck showed up. yay saved by the trucker. that's my new catchphrase.

Hi sweeties,
Just a couple of things.
1) Hottie Shawn Mendes will be playing Spade Heart
2) Jack is played my Naomi Scott.( thanks mom, she's the one that made the final call on who should play Jack and Google reminded me)
3) this is not edited sorry and neither was that last one.
Hope you liked it darlings, don't forget to comment and vote. Till next time.
Miss. Majestic

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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