Chapter Seven

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September 16, 2036

Lucas stares at me with his lips parted and his eyes wide. He is completely taken by surprise. Hell, so am I. I never thought I'd be telling my mate to claim me as his, but here I am. Standing in front of an amazingly attractive man, informing him that I want to be marked. 

Werewolves usually mark their mates soon after finding them. I know Lucas is concerned about me leaving him, just like his family had. He's not ready to be so committed to someone. 

But I fear, not claiming each other soon will only result in us going crazy. Not knowing if he was going to come back to me last night was tearing me apart. When he marks me, I will be able to communicate to him through our mind link... We will no longer have to rely on our cell phones. 

And lets not forget how completely blissful it is to be connected with your mate in such a way. You feel as if you're invincible. 

"Okay... So that was sudden and I didn't mean to blurt that out." 

Yes you did.

"But it's hard to be with you, and not be completely with you." Lucas just looks at me, his eyes trailing down to my neck and shoulder for a moment. 

He's thinking about it... I smile and step closer to him, slipping an arm around his neck. I use the hand at the back of his neck to tilt his head down so our foreheads touch. 

Lucas wraps his arms around my waist, clutching me close as his nose brushes against mine. I hear his breathing pick up slightly as he squeezes his eyes shut tightly. He's battling with himself, weighing the pros and cons. 

He is so unsure with his instincts, he doesn't trust what his wolf is telling him. It's unwise to not listen to what your wolf is telling you. 

Lucas pulls back suddenly, looking at the bedroom door as it opens. I take a few steps back, crossing my arms over my chest as Travis walks over, giving me a nod. "Alpha, Luna." Travis meets Lucas's gaze, a glare settling on his features. 

Lucas frowns as he runs a hand through his hair and nods his head. He then walks out of the room without another word. I stare after him with confusion. 

"What's going on?" I ask, looking over at Travis. 

Travis shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans, walking over to bump arm with his elbow. "Trust your mate, Mae." 

"Is he in trouble?" I ask. 

"He's just going to speak with Elizabeth, the Elder." My stomach drops to the floor as I begin to feel unsettled. My wolf claws to get out. She doesn't want our mate near that woman.

And neither do I. 

I run out of my room quickly, sprinting down the hall, nearly jumping down the staircase as I book towards where my wolf is taking me. 

I get to Lucas's office where I pause and listen to what is going on inside. 

Why am I so stupid, sometimes? 

They only communicate through mind link. 

I reach for the office door when a hand clamps down on my wrist, pulling me away. I glance up to see Travis looking down at me, an eyebrow raised. "I don't trust her." I whisper, not wanting to be caught. 

"She's our Elder. She's not going to hurt him." Travis growls at me with a harsh whisper. I hate when males growl at me. It's very irritating. 

"What are they saying?" I cross my arms, not accepting the fact that she isn't a part of all that has happened. Perhaps she is playing with his mind. 

The Mute Alpha (Book Two of the Senses Series)Where stories live. Discover now