Chapter Thirteen

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Daniel's POV:

We're getting in the car now to start driving to Florida, we can barely see out the back window. Spencer said the best time of day to leave is early morning but the earliest we would get up is 9 am.

"Is that everything?" She asked after we were all standing outside.

"I think so. Go through everything on the list." I said, moving to the back of the car to see everything.

She ran through each point on the list we made & made sure we checked it off as we brought it outside. Joey went back inside & made sure all the dishes were cleaned up & not sitting in the sink so we had a clean kitchen to come back to. After we cleaned the house & loaded the car with luggage, we were ready to get on the road.

"Let's go then." I said, my arm wrapped around Joey's side.

"I am so ready to get away from here. I haven't been able to get away since we got here." Joey sighed.

Spencer got into the drivers seat because she was going to drive the first part of the trip. Joey & I were in the back seat of the car since the passenger seat was filled with the food we wanted to eat in the car. Most of our meals were going to be at fast food places or snacks in the car when we don't stop.

"Are you sure you're okay driving in the rain?" Joey asked Spencer.

"Yeah I'll be fine. It should clear up soon hopefully."

"Okay, let me know if you need to switch with me."

"Will do."

Now it's the second day of driving, we swapped drivers early in the morning so Spencer could get some sleep. Joey & I slept while she was driving so we were able to drive when she needed us to.

On the third day of driving, I was the last one to drive for this part of our trip & tonight we planned on sleeping in a motel.

Joey pulled into the exit for the cheapest motel we looked up. As we got into the parking lot, the rain seemed to be drizzling.

"Let's not bring anything in but phones & chargers or anything else you think you need for tonight. We can't sleep in the car because the hotel manager will kick us out."

"Sounds like a plan. Are we just staying overnight tonight & leaving early morning?"


We bought the room & fell asleep immediately so we were refreshed for the early morning driving. When we woke up, we unplugged our phones & checked out as quickly as we were able to. As soon as we got outside the motel, we got right into the car to start driving again, Spencer starting us off.

We had to stop for gas so many times while we were on the road, making our arrival later than expected. As we drove past the sign for entering each state, I snapped a picture. When we reached Florida, we celebrated in the car, laughing afterwards.

Most of our drive included playing license plate games & talking about anything that came to mind. It was full of laughter & joy, even if it was the fourth day of driving.

"Do you want to stop here & stretch?"

"Do we have enough time to get to Orlando before dark?"

"Yeah, it's not too far from here & we can spare a few minutes of stretching time."

We agreed & stepped out of the car to walk around the parking lot we pulled into. It wasn't long before we got back into the car, we were surprisingly fine with being cramped up in a small car with loads of luggage behind us.

When I saw the sign for Orlando, I cheered, knowing we were close to the hotel we looked at online. I drove the rest of the way to the parking lot of the hotel & stopped in a parking spot, officially turning the car off.

"I'm so glad to be here with you guys." I hugged them both.

"I can't wait to get started with what we have planned!" Spencer laughed.

"Let's get our stuff unpacked. We might be here awhile." Joey smiled.



so um this is chapter thirteen...idk what to say here really because im writing this without Internet (STILL). im just writing as many chapters as i can so when the Internet is back, i can just post it right away for you guys. but yeah so vote & comment :)

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