Explaining How the Family Dynamics Works

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Explaining How the Family Dynamics Works

It had been a couple months since Riley had started school and when she befriended Maya and her friends Farkle and Lucas who were most definitely dating Riley was pretty sure because whenever they were sure no one was looking they'd hold hands or casually slide each others hands in each others back pocket but Riley didn't want to make them uncomfortable by asking them. Right now it was lunch time and the group was sitting at a table and eating in a comfortable silence and Riley was hoping Maya hadn't noticed her sneaking glances at her, the blonde heard her phone chirp and she checked it and groaned as she ran her hands through her curly hair and Riley bit her lip and looked down at her food so she wouldn't be caught staring at her. "Can I go home with anyone? My mom has to stay at the diner late and I need help with Math. She was supposed to help me." Maya asked and put her phone away.

"You could go home with me, I mean we already ride the same train. But I have to warn you.. My family is a bit.... different." Riley said choosing her words carefully. "I mean over all its normal but the dynamics are a bit odd." She said honestly trying to think of how to describe her family. "I mean you'll see when you get to my home." Riley said honestly and ate her food before she could shove her foot in her mouth. The brunette looked down at the table shyly and was secretly hoping for the lunch bell to ring so she could stop being so awkward.

"Its fine I mean what do you have two moms? Two dads? It can't be too weird." Maya said offhandedly and continued to eat her food.

"Actually.. One mom and two dads." Riley said awkwardly and she immediately got the attention of everyone at the table.

"So did your mom divorce your dad and marry another guy?" Maya asked a little bit like she was treading in thin ice.

"No..." Riley said awkwardly eating her lunch.

"Did your dad divorce your mom and marry another guy?" Farkle asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Not exactly.." Riley said chewing on her lip nervously. "All of them are kina married to each other. Like my dad is married to my mom and my other dad, my mom is married to my two dads, and my other dad is married to my mom and my other other dad." She said trying to explain it.

"Lucky, I don't even have a dad." Maya said a bit jealous which wasn't exactly the response Riley was expecting.

"You're cool with it?" Riley asked a bit surprised and looked around the table.

"Yeah why wouldn't we?" Lucas asked.

"Because my dad is bisexual and my other dad I don't even know what he is, I don't even think he fully und-" She rambled on before Maya interrupted.

"Pumpkin I'm bisexual so why the hell would I care? And Huckleberry over there is as straight as a frickin' lasso." Maya said referring to the rather blushy Lucas as he looked down. "And Farkie?? Well he likes everything, not that picky to be honest." Maya said and continued to eat.

"I see beauty in everyone Maya." Farkle said laughing softly and nudged her with his elbow and the blonde shot him a playful glare.

"Well I guess Lucas is the only one at this table who doesn't like girls." Riley mumbled but Maya heard and had a big smirk on her lips as she thought to herself and took a sip of her water and decided not to say anything about what Riley said. The brunette was internally esctatic to find out that she even had the smallest of chances with the gorgeous blonde woman.

"Hey Riles wanna go to Lucas' baseball game? I'll get you the Popcorn." Maya offered the brunette and Riley looked up at her and blushed softly nodding.

"Yeah sounds great." Riley said trying to prevent herself from smiling like an idiot just as the bell rang. "See you after school?" She asked as she got up and Maya nodded and hugged Riley tight.

After school on the train the two women shared a comfortable silence as Riley debated on whether or not to tell Maya about being transgender, sure she was okay with her poly family but at her old school some of her 'friends' were okay about her polyfamily and when they found out Riley was transgender the beat the living shit out of her. Ever since then Riley was really careful with who she told but she felt like if she continued to pretend she wasn't with Maya and then one day Maya found out it would hurt her more than of Riley had just told her early on. The brunette looked at the blonde as she leaned against the pole and watched Maya him along to the music that was playing in the train and smiled at Maya softly when the blonde caught her gaze and smiled at her. "What are you thinking about?" Maya asked and walked over to the pole Rile was leaning on and put her hand over the tan one.

"Nothing. So what do you need help with in math?" She asked and raised an eyebrow slightly.

"Nothing actually, I didn't want to go to my apartment alone to be honest." Maya said and and started singing softly to the song. "So 8'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you, and I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye." Maya sang and laughed softly as she pointed to the speaker system above her. "Sorry I love this song."

"It's a really pretty song, I haven't heard it before." Riley said smiling a soft blush on her face, she really liked Maya but didn't want to tell her because Riley was sure that no one would ever like a transgendered girl, the last girlfriend she had was when she went by the name of Royce, and when she found out that Riley was transgendered she spat in her face and told the whole school. After a couple more stops and Maya's little singing the two were walking into Riley's apartment where Shawn and Topanga were cuddling up on a couch together. "Hi mom, dad #2." Riley said and kissed both their cheeks and sat down next to them facing them with her back to Maya. "This is Maya and she doesn't know about my peanut allergy." She said winking to her parents so they would know not to talk about her transitioning in front of Maya.

"You're allergic to peanuts? That sucks." Maya said and walked over to 2/3 of Riley's parents and shook their hands. "And dad #2?" Maya asked curiously as she sat down next to Riley.

"He's not my biological father, he joined the family shortly after I was like 2." Riley said and heard her brother running down the hall in their apartment and came running up to Riley and tackled her lovingly. "And this is my little brother Auggie, no one knows who is biological daddy is so my two dads have little fake arguments and keep tabs on what about little Auggie is like them." She said and kissed Auggies cheek and he smiled up at her.

"Cute family so where is the other parental unit?" Maya asked curiously.

"He's a teacher so he gets here a bit later than I do." Riley said and got up and set Auggie down. "Do you wanna go into my room?" She asked Maya and offered her hand happily and Maya took it. The brunette lead the blonde into her room, glad that Auggie hadn't gone in and pulled out her fake breasts like he had done a week ago.

"Your family is really neat." Maya said and sat down on Riley's bed and Riley joined her, the two talked all night until Maya's mom picked her up.

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