Chapter 18

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My heart was pounding so hard, It felt like I just ran a 5K mile marathon. Breathing was difficult to do, but I did whatever I could to get across the room. When I reached the corner, the door slammed open and Brick ran in. He made his way over to me, checking for any sign of injury, "What happened? Are you hurt?" He demanded.

I was still trying to catch my breath before I spotted the box again, letting out another light scream and jumping into Brick's arms, his hands automatically holding me up, "NO! I AM NOT ALRIGHT!" I snapped, squeezing him tightly and hiding my face in his neck.

"What's wrong, Blossom?" He asked, one of his hands brushing through my hair, trying to calm me down a bit. It worked.

I took a few deep breaths, "Why do you have a box full of SPIDERS?! ARE YOU INSANE?! GO KILL THEM!!!!" I screamed, squeezing him tighter.

He started laughing, his chest vibrating. "You're sc- scared of spiders?! What happened to little Miss. Kick Ass?" His laughing didn't show any sign of slowing down.

I ground my teeth together, pushing myself off of him before shoving him lightly, "Shut. Up. And. Go. Kill. Those. Spiders!" I screeched.

His laughing finally slowed, "I don't think I will."

I glared as my knees shook, "I'm not kidding, Brick! ... Please... Just kill them!" I was close to tears, but I held it back, couldn't show anymore weakness in front of the enemy.

He calmed down, staring deep into my eye's, "I'll kill them but only on one condition."

"ANYTHING! Kill them and you can have anything!" I snapped, my eyes roaming the ground.

"Anything huh." He smirked, "You don't fight me, when we go to sleep, not tonight or any night after."

Brick has been sleeping in the same bed as me since my first night here but since I'm stubborn as hell I would always try to push him off the bed. I'd do just about anything, pulling his hair, hitting him, kicking him, pinching him and I even bit him once. Except, in the end, I would always, somehow end up with his arms tightly and protectively wrapped around my waist. My hands would be pressed onto his bare, nicely toned chest, my head perfectly under his and our legs tangled together. As much as I hated to admit it, I loved it. It would always leave a warm, gooey feeling in the pit of my stomach and everything just felt, okay for the first time in a long time but then he would get up without saying a single word.

I bit my lip, thinking for a second, peeking over at the box before letting out a shaky sigh, "Fine, okay, just get me out of here and rid of those disgusting eight legged freaks!"

"You got it, kitten." He said before picking me up bridal style and carrying me out of the bedroom, "This will only take a second." He whispered in my ear after he set me down. He swiftly swooped down and kissed my cheek before disappearing, leaving me a red hot mess. After he squashes those spiders, I am so going to squash him!


Short I know but the ending is coming quick! Also who is freaked by spiders?! Oi, I hate them with a burning passion, big, medium, small, brown, white, black, red, I don't give a crap, the eight legged mofo better be dead in the next five seconds or I'm moving to a different planet!

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