Why are you still with me?

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Next day:
"God.....Danny.... I have to have some......ahhh please!" She said with a desperate voice.... Danny quickly pulled her close to him, and hugged her tight. "Jessica you have to be strong!!" He said with a hard voice, while he slowly could feel Jessica's body giving after, and she slowly lost her footing..... Danny grabbed harder around her, and lowered her down onto the floor, while she was crying..... "Danny I can't do this...." Jessica said with a weak voice, while she looked up at him with teary eyes... "Jessica you have to!!!" Danny said with a soft voice, trying to comfort her... but on the inside he knew that it was going to be a hard time a head of them....

"What if you try to sleep?... You haven't been sleeping at all tonight!!" Danny said with a caring voice, while he directed her closer to the stairs..... Jessica was bent forward, and she had a hard grip around Danny's arm, while she slowly tried to walk up the stair.... when they had gotten midway, she quickly stopped walking, and she let go of Danny and placed her hands on her hip, while she bent down....."Ahhhh..." A sound escaped from her mouth in pain.... "Are you okay baby?" Danny said with a concerned voice, while he placed his hand on her back, trying to support her so she didn't fell backwards.... "Yeah.. it's okay!" Jessica said with a weak voice, while she stood up, and kept walking....... When they came into the bedroom, Jessica slowly sat down in the bed, and Danny lifted her legs up in the bed, and covered her with a blanket..... "Thank you!" She said with a tired voice, while she slowly closed her eyes.... Danny didn't wanted to leave her, so he sat down in the chair he sat in the day before, and just looked at her.... All he wanted was getting her back... he wanted her to be happy again.....

Danny was reading a book, when he suddenly saw Jessica move in the bed..... He stood up and walked closer to her, and he saw that she was in pain..."Ahhh!" She moaned, while she kept rolling around in the bed..... Danny dropped the book down on the floor, and he carefully crawled into the bed, and pulled Jessica closer to him......"Shuuuu, just breath Jessie!!" He whispered in her ear, while her back was turned towards him.... ".....Ahhhh god....!" Jessica cried, while she took a hard grip around Danny's wrist, and squeezed hard.... Danny held around her for a while, before she eventually calmed down... and he loosened the grip around her..... and suddenly when he did that... she jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom.... Danny quickly followed after, and he saw that she bent down over the toilet, and started throwing up.... Danny took her hair away from her face, and carefully rubbed her back.... When she was done, she slowly looked up at Danny with sad eyes... "I'm sorry Danny!" She said with a tired and sad voice... Danny kept rubbing her back before he looked down at her with loving eyes... "It's okay Jessie!!! We will get through this!!" He said before Jessica quickly bent over the toilet again, and started throwing up....  She slowly bent up again... but this time she just looked straight into the wall, with heavy eyes.... "Honey?" Danny asked concerned... "Mhmm?" She responded with a weak voice, while she kept looking into the wall.... "Are you feeling any better?" He asked with a worried look on his face.... Jessica didn't answered at first, but when she did.... she said: "No.....not really!" With a low voice, almost whispering... Danny sat down beside her, and placed his arm around her shoulders......"I'm sorry baby... but it will get better I promise you!!!" He said with an encouraging voice... Jessica slowly looked up at him with a little smile on her face... "Ohh god I hope so!!" She said with a tired voice..... Danny just smiled at her, even when her hair were all messy, and she was throwing up, she was still the most beautiful women on the planet earth...

Suddenly Jessica took her eyes away from him again.... Before she said "Danny?.....!" with a depressed tone.... Danny looked over at her with concerned eyes... "Yeah baby??"..... Jessica slowly looked at him, and he could see tears coming down her cheeks... "Mhhm..... why are you still with me?" She asked while her voice was shaking.... Danny's eyes expanded, and he moved a little closer to her... "What do you mean?" He asked unsecure..... Jessica looked down on the floor, and then up at Danny again.... "I mean.... After everything you have done to me, and everything we have been through.... And I did this to you.....!" She said while more tears started flowing down her face. Danny pulled Jessica closer to him, and she rested her head on his shoulder, while they were still sitting on the cold floor in the bathroom.... "Jessica.... I would never in a million years leave you .... if that's what you are thinking about..... I love you........ and I'm not going to just leave you when things get a little hard!..... I'm staying with you when things are great, and I'm here for you when its not" He said with a serious expression on his face... Jessica slowly smiled up at him, before she giggled a bit... "Hehh, is that a smile I see!!" Danny said with a sexy voice, while he tried to kiss Jessica... Jessica quickly pushed him away, with an embarrassed smile on her face.... "I have just been throwing up......"she said with a low voice, before she tried to stand up..... but she was to weak, so Danny quickly stood up and supported her, while she used all her muscles to stand on her own.... "Thank you!!" She said with a weak voice.... Just before Danny wrapped his arm around her, and looked passionate into her eyes..... "I don't care if you have been throwing up....!" He said with little smirk.... Before he moved his lips closer to hers... Jessica pulled her head back, and moved his hands away from her waist.... "That's disgusting Danny......!" She said with a little giggled, before she moved over to the sink, and started  brushing her teeth... While she had her toothbrush in her mouth, she looked up, and she could see Danny in the mirror, looking at her with a seductive smile.... She spat in the sink, and turned on the water, before she slowly bent down and took a sip.... In a quick second, she felt two hands on her back, and she slowly stood up and wiped her mouth with a towel....... Just as she did that, Danny turned her around, and placed a wet kiss on her lips..... Jessica wrapped her arms around him, and he pulled her closer...  She slowly pulled away from the  kiss and looked passionate into his eyes and said... "Thank you!!" with a low voice.... Danny just laughed before he said "For what honey?"..... Jessica just glanced up at him... "For not leaving me..... when I'm treating you like shit..... when I'm acting like a bitch....!!!" She said with a low voice..... Danny quickly pulled her tight again..... "Ohhh Jessie!!!!..... I can't live without you..... I love you so much!!!!" he said with a soft voice, while he placed a soft kiss on her head.... Jessica rested her head on his chest.... "I love you too honey!!!"....

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