Let me go you blood sucking demons

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Winter's pov

I woke up with pain in my head. Ouch. I must have hit my head hard. I opened my eyes and realised i was in a small dark room i tried to move but something pulled me back. Oh great i am chained to a chair. "con estas manos mágicas que será puesto en libertad" I hoped that i would be set free but it seems that my magic is not working. "Argh come on let me go!" I screamed. As soon as i screamed someone open the door. I could not see anything as it was pitch black.

After 20 minutes i had still not been set free out of these horrible chains. I kept hearing breathing and it was starting to annoy me. "Whoever you are i know you are there, i can hear you breathing. Please let me go." I begged. " and why would i do that?" Asked the voice. Well one thing was clear enough, i did not know who the voice belonged too, i never heard this one before. "Because if you do not i will make sure you love in hell once i get out of these chains." He laughed. I could tell it was a man by his deep the voice was. "Good luck with that little witch." As soon as he said these words the light turned on. I look at the person standing before me. He was tallish, with black hair that had a bandana with it. His face and body was covered in warpaint. He looked........ Beautiful? "You know dear, i love it how you are looking at me with those witchy eyes." I rolled my eyes. I saw his eyes glow read and fangs come out of his gums. He was a...... A.....a... A vampire? "Yes my witchy friend i am a vampire." I looked at him with shock expression. Oh let me guess he reads minds too. He just chuckled. "Let me go you blood sucking demon." I snapped. He looked at me wide eyed. " you see i would, but i really do not  want to, this is far much more fun, keeping your witchy self locked up. Its like entertainment to me and the guys." I looked at his with a shock expression. He kept chuckling. Why did he find this so funny?

A/n: so how did you like this chapter? Hope you liked it. Stay happy not crappy, love you all. Please vote and comment.

He's a devilish vampire and i am a teenage witch ( ashley purdy and black veil brides fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now