The Unnacceptable

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Rocky Blue was an assiduous, persistent adolescent. Even so, she had unwittingly fallen for the wrong guy. Defiantly. This guy wasn't any stereotypical bad boy, he was her best friend's brother. Well, STEP brother. Rocky sighed emphatically, clearly distraught, and relaxed into the corduroy sofa in the Jone's apartment. Just then, as Rocky reached for her orange juice on the side table, the front door opened and CeCe walked in, followed by Logan. "Hey Rocky! How is it going? Was Flynn behaved?" CeCe asked while simultaneously making herself a sandwich. Just as Rocky was about to give her an answer, she got involuntary distracted as Logan breezed passed her, failing to acknowledge her presence. "He looks so cute in his adorable trademark beanies" she thought to herself. "Make me a sandwich please sissy, I'm starving!" Logan commanded. "Give me a BREAK Little Scooter. I'm never going to be doing ANYTHING for you! Please get that through your head!" CeCe spat while getting some juice from the fridge. Suddenly, Flynn came running into the kitchen with nothing other than a pack of frozen bacon. "Bacon. Cook it!" Flynn screeched with audacity. In response, his sister rolled her eyes and shook her head, walking away. Meanwhile, Rocky was lost in her own little world. "I find that so adorable that Logan calls her "sissy". It means he cares about her! Pet names are a way of showing affection!" Rocky proceeded to stretch out on the couch and use her arms as a pillow, then continued to have a conversation with herself, or rather the Logan in her mindset. "If we started dating, I wonder what his pet-name for me would be? Schnukums? Pooky? Honeybunny maybe?" Rocky gave a love-sick sigh, closed her eyes and began conversing with herself. "Hi hunnybunny, I would love it If you accepted these roses!" "Sure babe of course I'll accept them!" "Come here! I want to give my beautiful girlfriend a smoochy" Rocky giggled and kissed the pillow next to her, assuming it was Logan. "ROCKY!?" Rocky bolted upright and blushed a brilliant tamato red. "I-I-" Rocky stuttered and hid her face in her hands. CeCe's expression immediately changed from weirded out and confused to sympathetic and understanding. Rocky felt her red hair tickling her face as her best friend gave her a nudge. Rocky groaned in embarrassment. "Rocky, look at me, I understand what your going through and I want to help." "You do!?" Rocky asked, now sitting up, staring at CeCe with rapt attention. CeCe cupped the brunette's face in her petite hands. "Of course I do, Rocky. I'm your best friend. I'll always want to help you and your so easy to figure out". CeCe chuckled. "Your like an open book! So, let's get to the point here!" CeCe stated. Rocky's eyes widened, suddenly nervous, about what CeCe was going to say. "You like someone!" CeCe squealed, playfully nudging Rocky in the side. "Ow!" Rocky clutched her side, feigning injury. "Oh give me a Break Rocky!" CeCe giggled, and continued to interrogate her best friend about her crush. "So, who is he!?" CeCe asked questioningly. Upon getting no response from Rocky, who found any place to look but directly at CeCe, she decided to guess. "It's Deuce isn't it!? OMG! You like Deuce! Mr. eyebrow!" CeCe began to have a laugh attack. Rocky started to think it was useless to object so all she did was frown. When CeCe finally stopped blabbering Rocky was able to defend herself. "I do NOT like Deuce, but I do like someone. Just not him. Rocky gave the red-head a sly smile. CeCe mimicked her friend's expression while saying: "who then!?" "Someone." She replied mysteriously. "Rocky!" CeCe whined, "tell me!" she yelled, while gripping the poor girl's shoulders and shaking her. "CeCe!" Rocky impersonated, "No!" While she said this, Rocky glanced over at Logan, giving him a small smile which he surprisingly returned. CeCe noticed Logan staring and proceeded to give her vexatious step brother a lecture. "Buzz off! Will you Little Scooter? The adults are trying to have a conversation here!" As she said that, she gestured between her and Rocky. "You too, Flynn!" she added, while giving them a dismissive hand gesture. They obeyed, but before reluctantly exiting the room, Logan stuck his tongue out at CeCe. Surprisingly though, as he turned to Rocky he gave her a wink and mouthed: "See you at work tomorrow!" Rocky sighed with content and turned back to CeCe, adjusting her position on the couch as they continued the never ending conversation about her love life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2013 ⏰

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