Chapter Six

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"WHAT??!" I shout

"REALLY??" Carlee asks

"Who??" We both ask in unison

"His name is Tyler" she says

"I met him through work" she add

Regina turns to look at me.

"Oh my God! My assistant Tyler!?" I ask excitingly

"Yes" she says laughing

"He's a good guy, you two are good" I approve.

My phone vibrates.

Amy just sent me a Facebook message.

"Amy just sent me her number on Messenger. She wants me to call her" I tell them as I press the phone to my ear.

My eyes widen

"Oh my God yes! Do you know the Godiva Shop that's like a block away from where your show was?" I ask her

She says yes.

I hang up.

"Guys Amy says that she's actually free right now and can bring us to see Mikayla!" I exclaim

"Yay!" Regina says

"Let's go" Carlee adds

"She's going to come get us" I tell them

We wait outside on the side of the street.

"Look for a Black Cadillac Escalade" I inform them

"Found it" Carlee says as she points to one surrounded by paparazzi.

We manage to get in.

The car leads us to an elementary school.

We don't ask any questions. We just follow.

There's no one in the school, just a couple of teachers.

"Oh maybe there's a baseball game today. Staff always goes to them to support" she says.

We walk out to the back and there's a baseball field.

"What does Mikayla teach?" Carlee asks

"She isn't a teacher" Amy replies

I see Mikayla and a tall guy with blonde hair has his arm wrapped around her waist far away.

I hear the metallic sound of a bat and a home run follow.

Mikayla claps

"Good job Noah!!" She exclaims

An old couple next to them asks who the little boy is.

The man with Mikayla turns to them.

"That's my son" he tells them with a proud smile.

My jaw drops and I look over at Carlee and Regina who have the same expression on their faces.

"Ohhh" Amy says

"You probably didn't know about that" she adds

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