Guardian Angel

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Leilani's Point of View-

I woke up with a major back ache. It was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt. I couldn't cry though. I guess it's the way angels were made. They simply can't shed tears, no big deal. Although I couldn't shed tears like a normal angel, I wasn't normal. Most angels grow their wings win they turn fourteen, I am nineteen. Well, nineteen as of today. I still haven't grown them. I figured this back pain was just a growth in the wing cells; so possibly they may grow in soon. Although Dr. Syra says they may never grow in. But she said there's also rare cases where us angels mature late, which makes us extra happy to have our wings when they finally come.

I walked, more like dragged myself, over to the bell which was used to call a nurse if we need help. My nurse, Dakota, came in. She took one look at me and then flew out of my room as fast as I've ever seen her fly. I was extremely nervous. I paced around my bedroom. Finally I got so tired of waiting I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I looked in the mirror and saw my whole back was bruised. I gasped so loudly I jumped backwards- hitting my head on the door frame. I rubbed my head and wished it was possible to cry.

I went back into my bedroom where the nurse was back, this time with Dr. Syra. She asked me to lie down on my bed and to remove my shirt. Modestly, I hesitated, but I remembered it was only a doctor so I removed my night shirt, so I was only wearing fuzzy pants. I layed down and she began to look at my back. She asked question after question, not really question that matter much.

"Do you drink?"

"Of course not, angel's arent supposed to."

"Do you do any other drugs?"

"I don't even drink. No drugs, promise."

"Are you pregnant?"

This shocked me that she even asked. "I'm eighteen! I mean, nineteen! I don't even like taking my shirt off for a doctor, of my own gender! No, I'm not pregnant."

"Calm down Leilani," she rarely called me by my full first name, which happens to mean 'Heavenly Girl' which I find pretty neat sense I'm an angel,  "Oh, did you say your nineteen?"

"As of today."

"I'm so sorry Lani I forgot! You're probably starting an angel cycle, which you aren't even ready for. It's just a warning for you that in about a month you'll get your first big assignment. Everyone's body reacts differently to it, we were probably just startled since your wings aren't here yet."

"How do I do an assignment without wings?"

"They'll have to grow in, and who knows, you might not even need them Lani." She smiled.

"What do you mean? Of course I need them... how else do I travel to the city or country?"

"Maybe you'll draw a less important assignment. You know, something small that you'll finish within six months. Hopefully they'll be grown in by then!" She left my room, I guess thinking that if she left before I replied I'd have some hope.

I knew about the drawings already. All angels had to draw an assignment out of a jar. Pretty much you pick something by "luck." We believe this will help with the humans belief in fate. Each angel draws when they turn nineteen. My drawing is tonight, which I've been nervously anticipating. Except my body happens to be in no mood to even get out of this bed.

Dan's Point of view-

I flipped, combed, spiked, teased, and washed my hair what seemed seven hundred different ways and times. I know this girl isn't worth all the work. I barely know her, much less like her all that much. She's pretty, and I promised my parents that I'd try to find I girl. That's why I want this to work so much. My parents want to be grandparent's soon. Geez, help me! I'm only 21.

I decided to leave my hair it's normal long black "scene" look, as some would say. I grabbed a jacket, my keys, and some breath mints (just in case!). I checked the time and noticed I was running about five minutes late. I can just use the excuse that I haven't been to her house yet and I was having trouble finding it. I walked outside of my and Phil's apartment we were staying in while we were looking for a house. Phil was my roommate, "coworker", and best friend. A lot of people say we could be brothers we look so much alike, same hair and everything!

As I locked the door my neighbor came out to greet me. Oh, wonderful. I went out with her a few times. It just so happened that she was a crazy stalker when it came to her ex's. It just so happened she "moved in next door only days after I moved." A little creepy. I told her I was sorry I didn't have time to talk right now.

"Why not? Another date?"

"You could say that." I said in my oh-so-charming British voice, that doesn't actually charm as well as in does in the movies.

"With who this time?" She got closer.

"A new girl, her name is Veronica." I walked to my car; she followed.

"New girl? Why don't you ever take out any of your ex's anymore?"

"Well there happens to be a reason I call them my ex. Sorry, I gotta leave!"

"Call me when you get home, I'll wait up!"

"No need." I drove away.

Gosh, she is so creepy. Her name is Karla. Anyways, I drove up to Veronica's house and rushed to the door. I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. "Just a minute!" Cool, I didn't appear late to her. In fact, she wasn't even ready!

'How lucky am I?' I thought to myself. Well apparently not very. She opened the door in just a robe with another guys arms around her.

"Oh my gosh! Dan! I'm sorry I thought we we're having our meeting next weekend!" She pushed the words out of her mouth.

"Is this a friend from work babe?" The guy behind her questioned sweetly.

"Um, yes actually." She looked at me pleading me not to tell him the truth.

"Yeah, just a fellow worker," to continue to play along and end whatever Veronica and I supposedly had, I added "But, I actually just wanted to let you know I quit. Bye."

I wanted to sprint to my car, drive home and just fall asleep. It's girl's like this that are the reason I've completely given up on anyone ever loving me.

Author's Note: My friend Hannah gets the credit for the idea of starting this story and the basic plot! I did the writing but all the beginning idea credit goes to her! Thanks so much Hannah! Go read her stories! @mrspayne0829

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2013 ⏰

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