Chapter 0.1

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As i scribbled the last of my notes in my business and financing notebook, I glanced over at the clock that read 8:45 am. I started putting my supplies that i needed in my book bag, all of the sudden my roommate Ashton Irwin barges into our room in nothing but a towel around his waist. 

You see Ashton and I have been friends since we were little. He had always been known as the little rascal out of our group of friends, always getting into trouble, like in first grade he glued a kid to his chair when he stole his pencil. I knew from that moment on that Ashton would be an outgoing kid and just right for me, but he was also very dependable always there when I needed a shoulder to cry on and when things were tough, but he did have an overprotective side when it came to me being in new relationships or meeting new people. I guess you could say that Ashton was the brother I never had. 

"Diana what the hell are you still doing here, you're gonna be late for class!" he said. I looked up at him with a confused expression on my face. "What do you mean? I still have fifteen minutes to get to class" i said. "Umm no you don't, it's already 9 o'clock" he replied. I glanced over at the clock while i stood up and went to grab my phone of the charging dock and saw that the times were completely different by an hour. I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door, without even saying goodbye to Ashton. It's not like i wanted to watch him change anyway. 

I threw my phone into my bag and started jogging down the hallway to the ground floor of our dormitory. I can't believe it was only my first week into college and I was already late to class.  All of the sudden out of nowhere I bump into this tall blonde guy, making my bag fall off my shoulder onto the floor and my notebooks all falling out. "Ooof!" i said rubbing my ass as i stood up. "Watch where your going!" I said. 

All he did was stare. He blushed and looked down starting to pick up my books off the floor. He looks at me while handing me my books in a neat pile. "I'm Luke" He said with an Australian accent. I grabbed the books from his hands muttering a quiet "thank you" and turning the corner and started back on my jog until I was outside of my dorm. I finally reached my class after ten minutes of intense running and immediately the professor asked me where I was the entire time. I told him what had happened and he understood and let me off with a warning making sure that it wont happen again. 

As he continued on with the lesson, i walked up to my seat and sat down quietly pulling out my notebook. As i began to take notes, my mind started wandering off to thinking about the tall blonde guy that i encountered in the hallway. I think he said his name was Luke... Or was it Lucas? I couldn't remember but what I could remember was his gorgeous blue eyes, his Australian accent and his incredibly tall frame hovering over me making me feel small, and a little bit helpless but still warm and safe at the same time. What was his name? It started with an 'L' I knew that for a fact. 

 All of the sudden my professor calls my name "Diana!" he shouted. I didn't even realize he was calling on me. "Sorry sir, could you repeat that." I said shyly my face turning beet red as my classmates eyes were on me.  He shook his head and asked another student the question he originally asked me. I slouched down into my seat and tried to pay attention for the rest of the class. The bell finally rang and I gathered my things and shoved them into my bag. I pulled out my phone and texted my friend Livia to ask where we were meeting for lunch. " Mario's Cafe" She responded. 

I walked off campus to meet her at the cafe and I arrived before her so i ordered a medium iced tea and a cinnamon toast bagel with butter. As i sat down and started to eat my lunch Livia walked in and sat down in front of me. "Hey!" she said throwing her bag on the ground. "Hi" I responded. "I'm gonna grab something to eat" she said. After about five minutes Livia sat down with a large coffee, bran muffin and a banana. "Seriously Liv that's all your eating?" I said. "Yeah,I'm not that hungry". she replied. I rolled my eyes knowing that she was lying.

 I met Livia last week on the first day of college in the dormitory hallway by my room, she was having trouble carrying her bags so I helped her out and we got to talking and became fast friends. She hangs out with Ashton and I practically every day after class. Livia was great I never had a friend like her, other than Ashton, it was just nice to have a girl friend to hang out with. She was dependable and funny but she was also the biggest flirt and  she was a crazy party-er. She has grey eyes, short lilac hair that falls to her shoulders and she is also in love with her body.  Let's just say shes a total gym freak. 

"Anyways, did you hear the first frat party is tonight, we should totally go!" she said. "Oh I don't know..." I replied. "What do you mean you don't know?" she said with an eyebrow raised as she sipped her coffee. "It's just I have to review my business notes and-" I said but she cut me off mid sentence. "Your coming! This is your first college party, plus there's hot guys!" She said with a wink. "Alright fine! Meet me at my dorm at 8" i said. She smiled and we both walked off to our next class. 

I arrived at my math class and sat down. I put my textbook on my desk and pulled out my notebook. The bell rang and whole bunch of students filed into the room and took there seats. One of the football guys sat next to me. "Good afternoon everyone! Pop quiz today!" my professor said and started handing out our quiz papers. "You have half an hour to complete this quiz" she said. I began to solve the math problems when I felt someone nudge my foot. I looked over at the guy next to me. "Do you think i could copy of you" he said with a smirk. "No way" i scoffed and rolled my eyes. I finished my quiz and handed it to my teacher. The bell rung and i headed back to my dorm. 

I unlocked my door and threw my bag down and plopped down on my bed turning on the T.V. to watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother. "Hey!" Ashton said walking into the room and throwing his bag down next to mine. "Hi, how were classes today?" i asked as Ashton plopped down next to me. "They were okay,  I finally got to play the drums today! How were your classes?" he asked. "Boring, my professor got mad at me twice this morning and some guy wanted to copy off me in math" i said getting up to grab a drink from the mini fridge. "So are you going to the party tonight?" I asked him. "Yeah, are you going with Livia?" he asked. "Mhmm, she begged me to go with her" I said. He nodded and grabbed the remote to change the channel to watch Family Guy. I grabbed my bag and reviewed my business notes before I started to get ready for the party. 

I walked down the hall to the girl's shower room and hopped into the shower. After I finished I went back to my room and blow dried my hair and straightened it. I started applying some make up and just as i was about to finish i heard a knock at the door. I opened it and it was Livia. She was standing in front of the door in a gold knee length dress with black heels and her hair was in a messy braid to the side. "Hey, your early and you look amazing!" I said. "Thanks. What are you gonna wear" she asked coming in and sitting down in my desk chair. "I was just about to pick out my dress" I replied. I walked over to Ashton and I's shared closet and pulled out a blue strapless dress with nude pumps. Livia nodded and I got dressed, we both took one last look at ourselves in the mirror before heading out the door to the party. 

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