Chapter 0.2

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Livia and I arrived at the frat house at around 8:30, we walked up the steps and there were a bunch of people on the front porch and you could hear music coming from inside. We walked through the door and it is exactly what I had pictured in my mind on the way over here. The house smelled like cigarette smoke, beer and sweat. Crowds of people were everywhere, people grinding on each other on the dance floor, couples making out on the staircase and guys doing body shots of girls. "Let's get a drink" Livia said pulling me through the crowd, we got to the kitchen and Livia poured two drinks for her and I. "What is it?" I asked bringing the red solo cup up to my nose and sniffing the contents. "Vodka with orange juice" she said taking a sip. I took a sip and felt the warm liquid slide down my throat.

I spotted Ashton across the room watching a beer pong game going on. Livia and I walked over to him. "Damn Irwin lookin' good" I said nudging his shoulder. Ashton was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a muscle tee. He let out a chuckle and gave me a hug. "Not bad yourself" He said. "Not bad?" someone said behind him. Ashton spun around and Livia and I peeked over his shoulder. Two guys stood there, one with black hair and blonde streaks running through it, he was wearing black skinny jeans and a plaid shirt and the other guy had bright red hair with an eyebrow piercing above his piercing green eyes. He was also wearing black skinny jeans but he wore a black leather jacket over a Green Day t shirt and combat boots. "Who are you? Livia spoke up. "Well darling im Calum and this is Michael" the boy in the plaid shirt said.  Livia looked at me, "Well Liv and I are gonna go get refills see you boys around, Ash do you want anything?" I asked. He shook his head and Livia and I walked away.

We got a refill and we both downed it within a matter of seconds. This was my first party so I said screw it, im gonna have fun tonight! "Wanna dance?" Livia asked me while pouring me another drink. "Do you even need to ask?" I said taking my drink from her hand. We got onto the dance floor and started dancing, the floor was crowded with a whole bunch of girls grinding on guys. I had a slight buzz but wasn't nearly drunk yet. Livia on the other hand was pretty much at the stage of being drunk of her ass. This was my first time seeing her like this so it was kind of a shocker, but she told me she was a wild one so I guess I should have expected this.

Livia started dancing with some guy she met on the dance floor so I decided to go and try to find a bathroom in this place. After walking up the staircase past all the people making out I found the bathroom. The bathroom looked pretty disgusting, although why should i be surprised this was a Guys Frat House, of course there not going to keep it clean. I walked back down stairs and saw Livia flirting with a whole bunch of drunk frat boys and I decided that I needed another drink this time just straight up vodka. I went to the kitchen and poured yet another glass, all the sudden some guy bumped into my back making me spill vodka all over the table.

"What the hell" I said turning around and seeing a familiar looking face. A tall blonde guy wearing a Blink-182 muscle tee and black skinny jeans hovers over me. "Sorry love" he said in his Australian accent. "Hey your the girl who ran into me this morning" he added. I nodded, my eyes locked on his gorgeous blue eyes, I was at a lose for words he was absolutely beautiful. He stuck out his hand "The names Luke" he said. LUKE that's his name I knew it started with an L. "Diana" I replied sticking out my hand and shaking his. He smiled at me, "well Diana would you like to dance?" he asked. I nodded and he took my hand leading me to the dance floor.

We got onto the floor and we started dancing to 'Don't stop the music by Rihanna'. I started to grow a little bit of confidence when I started to sway my hips and saw Luke staring at me and biting his lip. Time to kick it up a notch I said to myself and i spun around and swayed my hips against Luke making him grab my waist and bringing me in closer. "Do you wanna ditch this, I have a really great place where we could go" he whispered into my ear. "Sure" I said over the loud music and took his hand leading us to the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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