Maven bared her teeth at the elf. 'Arrogant, loathsome cur! How dare she insult the Nords!' Elenwen made constant jokes and jabs at Nords and Skyrim, but always with an air of humor. But this was an honest, true attack at Maven's race.
She often forgot it herself. Maven Black-Briar seemed as far from a patriot as could be. Her only interest was herself. She seemed to have a disdain for all people, and indeed, she did. But she was still proud of her heritage. She still loved the feeling of cold Northern air. She felt an uncanny connection to weaponry and battle. And, once in a great while, when her stress got the better of her, she'd get on one knee, wrap a hand around her fist, and look to the heavens to ask Talos for guidance. So when Elenwen assaulted her very existence, the walls came down.
Maven lowered her voice and regained her composure. But the anger in her tone stayed with her. "How dare you sit in that chair and slander my people as if you know their struggles. You poncy Aldmeri cowards sit on a pedastal, and never learn what suffering is." At this, Elenwen stood up. "Don't know suffering?!" She raised her voice to just under a shout. "The mindless, selfish slaughter of elvenkind by your so-called 'hero' Talos doesn't encompass suffering?!"
"That was years ago!", Maven roared. "You cannot take credit for something the previous generations experienced! You've never been oppressed!" Elenwen stepped up to Maven, looking down at the Nord woman with her impressive height advantage. "And you cannot take credit for your people! You've had fortune and privilege all your life!" Elenwen had tears in her eyes. "High Elves rule in this embassy, but out in Skyrim, non-Nords are treated like waste!" Maven was silent. That was undeniably true.
The tension between the women was unbearably high. Elenwen and Maven were inches from each other, staring furiously into one another's eyes. They stayed this way for almost a minute. Maven was the first to speak.
"Your discomfort does not excuse bigotry. I've nothing against high elves. All people are disposable to me." That wasn't true. A few made it into her ice wraith of a heart. The Dragonborn earned her respect. Brynjolf was undeniably charming. Karliah was impossible to hate. She even mourned Gallus and Mercer, though her anger over the latter's betrayal overruled her sympathy. "The Aldmeri Dominion dug up dead grudges and sparked the minds of the ignorant and dangerous. This rebellion is your fault and your fault alone. If you are so loyal to the Thalmor, then this blame rests on you." Maven let that last bit out with such disdain in her voice, Elenwen could only silently mouth a gasp.
Now the elf was silent. Elenwen looked down at the stone floor of her solar. She was silent for the longest minute of either of their lives, and finally spoke in a shaky voice.
"You're absolutely right..." Elenwen sighed heavily. Maven cocked her head at the woman curiously. Because she was shorter, she could see Elenwen's face, even when pointed down. She didn't notice the tears until they popped against the floor. "Nords have it hard like everyone else does...but you'll never know...what it's like...for your very heritage to be based around the genocide of your people." Elenwen sniffled. "'re absolutely right."
It was over. The two most powerful women, possibly most powerful people in Skyrim had gotten into an argument to end all arguments. And Maven Black-Briar had won. It was bitter.