Chapter Twelve

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Wednesday, 3 December 1980

The day after the wishing tree escapade was particularly lazy. The winter weather was finally setting in and soon the ground outside was thick with snow. John decided it was too cold to go back to the garden, even though he desperately wanted to make another wish. Both he and Paul stayed in John's luxurious apartment, sitting by the fireplace, drinking hot chocolate. The atmosphere was very cozy and home-like. Paul snuggled further under his big, fluffy blanket, making little purring noises. John watched him with amusement.

"So Paul," he said, setting his cup down on the coffee table, "what's new in your life?"

"I'm sitting here with you." Paul murmured, his eyelids drooping.

"Other than that!" 

"Well..." Paul sighed sleepily. "I called George up the other week. I might have an opportunity to be in a movie in a few years time. I'm not too sure when."

"That's great!" John paused. "Why did you call George?"

"He's a good actor, so I thought he might like to star alongside me." Paul explained, taking a long sip of his hot chocolate. "But he's a bit held up with things - namely his daughter."

"His daughter?" John repeated, his expression one of confusion. "George has a daughter? Since when?"

Paul didn't know whether John was joking or not, but his bafflement seemed genuine. Paul cocked his head on one side, his mouth skewed in a question mark. "George had a daughter back in 1963, John. You should know that. You were there when she was born."

"Oh, yeah." John said slowly. Everything seemed to be coming back to him now. "I remember now. Geo was so scared when you and Ringo came home. He tried to hide the baby under the bed in a cardboard box!"

"Yeah." Paul said, chuckling at the memory. "I spoke to Serenity actually. She sounded really excited to hear from me. She's got massive plans."

"Like what?"

"She's going to university soon."

John's eyes practically popped out of their sockets. "University?!"

"Yeah, of course she is. She turned eighteen last birthday."

"Eighteen?!"  This was too much for John. He was ashamed at how little he knew about Serenity. He'd been there during her birth. He had helped deliver her. He still thought of her as the sweet, cheerful seven year old with the cheeky grin. That was the last time he'd seen her...

"I can't believe I forgot about her." John mumbled, hiding his face in his hands. "I can't believe she's already eighteen! The last time I saw her was..." John paused. Two tears trickled down his cheeks and fell to his lap. His face crumpled, more tears spilling. He was crying. Not the normal depressed tearful sobbing, these were real heartbroken tears. John's sobs sounded more like he was being choked. Paul's mouth fell open.

"John! Why are you crying? Don't cry! I can't stand it!" he pleaded.

"I can't help it!" John wept. "I've missed out on so much! This is terrible!"

"You were busy here! You couldn't just whiz back to England on spur of the moment." Paul said, trying to make the situation better. It didn't work.

"That's exactly it, Paul!" John shouted, angry tears running down his face in waterfalls. "I didn't have to go on spur of the moment! I should have planned to go to and visit George and Serenity! George was like my best friend, (besides you, of course) and he was so kind to me! I should have re-payed the favour and visited his daughter at least once!  I was her 'Unca John-John'!"

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