Cherry Pink & Apple Blossom White

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"The story goes that once a cherry tree
Beside an apple tree did grow
And there a boy once met his bride to be
Long long ago

The boy looked into her eyes, it was a sight to enthrall
The breezes joined in their sighs, the blossoms started to fall
And as they gently caressed, the lovers looked up to find
The branches of the two trees were intertwined"

-Mack David

Lydia Martin hated having to ride on her brother's bike just to get to school. Seeing as her mother didn't see shorts and a blouse as proper attire for school she had to ride on her brother bike in a skirt and cardigan. If she wasn't so stubborn she could just ask for a ride from her best friend Malia Tate. But Lydia was mad at Malia and she'd rather show up to school with wrinkled clothes and helmet hair than be the first to apologize. So Lydia Martin wore her red skirt and white cardigan and she looked just about perfect. And if anyone could pull off a wrinkled outfit with helmet hair it was Lydia Martin.

Once she arrived at school she headed to her locker smiling at everyone who said hi or good morning. Lydia's smile seemed to be plastered on her face until she saw Malia leaning on her locker. Malia and Lydia were always able to get over any problem they had with each other except when Malia ditched Lydia for a boy. Lydia didn't understand why you would ditch your friends for a hook up. I mean did Malia really need to have sex so bad that she left Kira and her at a mall. Friends should always come first.

"Are you going to move or will I have to wait until you need to rush off to have sex so I can get my textbooks?"

"So you're still mad then? Oh come one Lydia we were just shopping."

"It's the principle. Friends come first. Now move before I'm late to class."

"Okay I'm sorry. How about we go to Deaton's after school and I'll buy you and Kira a milkshake."

"Fine. Come on we have to get to English before Ms. Clarke gives marks us tardy."


Lydia hated her best-friends. Did they really have to talk in math class so they both got after-school detention? She would've just gone home if it weren't for the milkshake she was promised. So she sat under a tree reading Romeo and Juliet. It seemed really stupid that everyone was so against the relationship but in the end when both lovers died the families forgave each other. Why couldn't they have just forgiven each other when they found out their children loved each other. Everything in stories seemed to be way to difficult like the characters were destined to fail. Sure she's read the play man times but it still amazed her how idiotic it is that two characters had to take their life in order to get their parents to forgive each other.

Lydia looked up from her book at the sound of leaves crunching. Stiles Stilinski was sitting underneath the tree that was next to Lydia's. Neither knew much about the other besides the fact that they were instructed not to speak to one another. They were supposed to be enemies and enemies don't talk to each other and Lydia and Stiles never did. But it was a rare occasion to see Lydia Martin not surrounded by her friends or brother. Stiles wanted to know why she was alone and it wouldn't cause much trouble if he just asked her one question. One question usually doesn't cause problems. But Stiles asking Lydia a question brought on more chaos than anyone could've anticipated.

"So why are you sitting all alone reading?"

"We aren't supposed to talk to each other. If my brother sees I'll be in trouble."

"Aw come on foxy, don't be such a wet rag live a little. Besides I see no one but you and me."

"Don't call me foxy. I am not one of the easy chicks vultures like you bang on a regular. And calling me hot will get you nowhere. Back off."

"Whoa sweetheart chill. I called you foxy because you are literally a fox. You know your brothers gang. And I'm not a vulture; I just enjoy the company of females. It ain't my fault they always wanna hook up. And you haven't answered my question. What are you doing all by yourself?'

"Well, my best friends are in detention and I'm waiting for them so we could go to Deaton's."

"I knew those girls were hot but I didn't know they were a bunch of bad asses too."

"Now that I have answered your question will ya leave me alone? I'm trying to read but I can't do that if you're talking."

Lydia was able to get to the famous balcony scene before she was interrupted by stiles again.

"So whats the deal with you and love stories? Like you always seem to be reading one."

"Well, Love stories fascinate me. I mean I'm not some desperate fool that has such a terrible love life that she needs to read about love. I just love that people seem to always have one person they're destined for. I mean it's totally unlikely but it's a nice thought."

"So you don't believe in soul mates?"

"I don't know what I believe in to be honest."

Neither had much to say after that. Lydia went back to reading her book and stiles decided instead of bugging the girl with questions he'd just shut up and stare at her. So for the next couple of minutes stiles watched Lydia play with the end of the page until she'd turn to the next one. He watched her tuck strands of hair behind her ear even though they'd fall into her face again. He didn't know her all that much but he did know she was someone special.


"Well see you around wolfy."


I'm tired and I did not mean to take forever to update. Anyways hoped you enjoyed it and I'll try to update once a week. Thanks for reading.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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