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(Buttercups POV)

It was time for lunch yummy well I don't eat school lunch because well I don't like how it taste and if anything I would always get peanut butter and jelly sandwich so I bring my own like 9th grade me and my sisters sit at the table we sat all through 9th grade but I have a feeling this is going to change then my sisters arrive.

(Bubbles POV) 

Yay lunch time my time to reunite with my sisters and friends but mostly my sisters today I considered on getting a hot lunch today was pizza day its always Mondays and Fridays cheese pizza is what I get my sister Buttercup brought Brown rice veggie patty tomatos and grapes after getting my pizza orange and milk I head to my spot where Buttercup is.

(Blossom POV)

 Finally lunch one time where ur away from teachers in musty ass classrooms but I get used to it and i get homework and classwork and sometimes projects in class done so I decided today to bring a mini salad and grilled  cheese and a little carton of juice then I find my sisters.

(Bricks POV) 

Damn im fucking starving today was a good day I guess because I saw Blossy in class and annoyed the fuck out of her which is always fun to do to any one but she is different I walk into the cafeteria and find Blossom and her sisters at what I guess was her table my brothers realize the same thing but Butch has been acting weird like fucking Boomer who has been red this entire time.

(Butchs POV)

I see her my enemy with her other fucking sisters but mostly paying attention to her and as I am I get punched in the shoulder by my bro Brick "what the fuck man" he gives me the look next to me look as I do I see Boomer what the fuck is wrong with him hes been quiet this whole time and his cheeks are red that must mean hes fallen for someone but who?

(Boomers POV)

Aww shit why can't I stop thinking about her my enemy Bubbles is my love how is this fucking possible my bros are looking at me like what the fuck happened to u but Butch by his expression understands damn it what if Bubbles or her sisters or Brick figures it out but I just got to keep it cool maybe he won't realize that I like someone but he is the smart ass he'll figure it out eventually but until then I have to keep cool.

(Buttercups POV)

I look up from my food for a second to realize someones watching me I look around I don't appreciate people looking at me while I eat as I look around I find him as in Butch staring and for my response I decide its time to tell him to fuck off so I stuck up my middle finger signaling he to fuck of as he is looking at me I noticed im not the only one who sees them Blossom and Bubbles look up Blossom gets out of her seat and walks over while Bubbles is blushing what the fuck is happening.

(Blossoms POV)

He is the bastard of the year he gets the award i get up to see him smirking oh hell to the fucking no not in my school as I get closer I turn back at Bubbles and Buttercups confused and Bubbles blushing but then turn back and get closer to him when I stop to confront him I here say someone say "back off Bitch" I turn to see who said that no other than Princess she blocks me I push Princess out of the fucking way I don't need someone in my way there I stand and confront him.

(Bricks POV)

She stands right there hot figure sexy as fuck when frustrated and then she say " look I don't know who you think u are but keep looking at me you'll end up blind for life bitch" then I say " yeah ok remember that im 6'8 and ur 5'7 ur not going to reach me ok Blossy no matter how strong u think u are" then she suprises me with a punch to the jaw then runs off to her table and I stand there mad and run after her.

(Bubbles POV)

I for a second feel my heart flutter Boomer I think I have fallen for my enemy oh no what if Buttercup and Blossom find out I might get in trouble but keeping it in my mind won't hurt anyone but then Im brought back to reality when Buttercup nudges me and I look to see that Brick is chasing Blossom oh no i don't like fights and I start to Break down.

(Buttercups POV)

I see Brick chase Blossom but I can't say that he don't have a reason to Im not agreeing with him but I would do something somewhat similar to what hes doing I mean who wouldn't if someone punched ur jaw ur going to want to kick their ass if im correct as I turn my attention away from the two I focus my eyes on the dumbass no other than Butch.

(Boomers POV) 

I see Bubbles crying I want to stop her crying but I cant or people will figure out so as fucked up as it is to leave her like that I have to and see Brick and Blossom fighting and then...

(Butchs POV)

I see her again her eyes focused on me well I feel the blood in me boil because the way she looks she looks to hot for words I would say that to her but maybe annoy her a little more until I feel the time is right or whenever fuck it.

(Blossom POV)

I see Brick mad just what I wanted we disappeared from the cafeteria and kept fighting that bitch thinks he can defeat me haha what a joke but then he disappeared then I run to find his ass and run into someone I look to find him his arms around my waist oh I know what hes thinking in his perverted mind but that aint happening.

(Bricks POV) 

She punched me in my jaw making me angry now I'll get her back for sure so I disappear and it causes her to look for me then she ran into me and I grabbed her waist as much as she protest I won't let go of something thats mine especially my girl.

(Blossoms POV)

He then takes me away from the school and I scream in protest but nothing works so I smack him a couple of times but then out of the blue he smacks back and I felt more pain that anything I have challenged but then he still hangs onto my waist and we fly away to a house a well built fucking house really big and by the looks of it sound proof walls i know what hes thinking but its not happening not today but I am still protesting and when I get out of here ill say he sexually assaulted me he takes me to a red door obviously his room I take a glimps and I see how clean it is and how big and then reconsider if hes poor because his room is huge and full of electronics then he lifts me off his chest and throws me to the big ass king size bed which is so confortable and wide and long he rushes to lock the door and heads over to me.    

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