A/N: Kinda Important

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Okay, I haven't updated in like a bazillion years but I have good excuses ;) First, I lost my phone so I also lost any draft that I wrote when I didn't have internet (a lot) and second, the family computer wasn't working for like 2 weeks. Ugh, I might as well have been living in a cave for a couple weeks, it's been HELL. But now I'm here, bitches.

On another topic, I don't know what you Wattpad has against me but it hates me for some reason. Therefore, if you want an Imagine or want to say something, I need you to inbox me instead of commenting. I cant see any comments soo... yeah.

The 'Distarction' Ethan chapter will be up soon. Turns out I'm not a very sexually minded person lol

One last thing, I was looking over the demographics of this story and saw I have readers in Canada, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, France, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Austria, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Germany, The U.K., Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Malaysia, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, and of course The United States of America. THAT'S INSANE. And 16k!!!!! Y'all are amazing. 

Thank You all sosososososososo much. Bromie Omies for life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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