Chapter 1- I Don't Feel Good

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*WARNING: Contains descriptive content involving vomiting. Do not read if you are sensitive!*

- June 22, 2016 -

Julien's POV:

Today is video day and Jenna is making part 2 of "Things That Are Ruining My Life". We just celebrated our 3 year anniversary and I am so incredibly lucky to have her in my life! I love her so much!

"I'm setting up the shot for the video while Jenna finishes getting ready. Our new camera is super high quality, we can't wait until you guys see the video!" I'm talking to vloggy while Jenna gets ready to film for sexual wednesday.

"I'll be ready in a sec! Is the shot ready?" I hear Jenna yell to me from upstairs.
"Yup, It's all ready!" I yell back.
"K!" She replies.

Jenna's POV:

I'm finishing my ratchet hair style, getting ready to film a new video. My hair is currently white, orange, and pink. It looks like a sunset! Downstairs, the love of my life is setting up the shot for my video. He is so amazing, I love him so much! He loves me when I look like I got hit by a bus even though he says it was a hot bus. He loves me when I'm myself, even with all my weirdness. He loves me when I look like an orange from all the spray tan I use. After 3 years, he loves me more and more each day. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend!!

"I'll be ready in a sec! Is the shot ready?" I yell down to Julien.
"Yup, It's all ready!" He yells back.
"K!" I replied.

Suddenly, I am hit by an overwhelming wave of nausea. I gag for a second but nothing comes up so I am ok. I don't want to tell Julien cause I know he will worry. I tell myself to get through the video without acting sick. I can do that, right?

Julien's POV:

I hear Jenna walk down the stairs so I turn towards her. I can automatically tell there is something wrong with Jenna even though she is smiling at me. Jenna is really good at acting like she's fine when she's really not, but I can see right though her act.

"Hey Babe! Ready to film?" She asks me with a fake smile.
"What's wrong Jenna?" I ask her with a serious face.
"What do you mean what's wrong? I'm fine!" She slowly walks towards me as she replies.
"No your not. I know you." I tell her. She automatically looks down as soon as those words leave my lips.

I engulf her in a bear hug right after she looks down.

"I don't feel good..." She tells me in a whisper.
"Awww babe! I know you don't feel good. Are you ok?" I ask her.
"I feel like I'm gonna hurl in a sec..." She replies. Right away I guide her to the couch.
"No Julien, it's fine! I can film the video!" She protests.
"Ok, ok! Just sit here for 5 minutes until you feel better, ok?" I ask.
"Fine..." She pouts while I quickly kiss her on her head.

Jenna's POV:

Julien is so sweet! I knew he would be able to tell I am sick even though I hoped he wouldn't. Right now I am being forced to sit on the couch until I feel better. I am cuddled up against Julien while he strokes my back trying to comfort me. After 5 minutes I honestly feel like I'm still gonna throw up but If I haven't done it yet, I'm sure I will be fine!

"Babe can we film the video now?" I ask Julien.
"Do you feel better? Don't lie!" He replies.
"Yes, much better!" I lie.
"Ok, let's get going then!" He says excited.

Julien's POV:

Jenna says she feels better so I trust her. She fixes her hair and makeup quickly in the bathroom mirror and then sits down in front of the camera. We start filming and she acts like her normal self. I keep laughing at her jokes and I'm happy she doesn't feel sick anymore.

Suddenly, half way through filming, she stops mid sentence and sprints to the bathroom. I'm shocked since she was fine a second ago but chase after her yelling her name.

"Jenna! Jenna!" I call running towards the bathroom. I can already hear her throwing up before I get there.

When I walk in, I see her hunched over the toilet. I run to her side and hold back her hair. I rub circles on her back as she continues to throw up.

Jenna's POV:

I am feeling much better during filming. The nausea starts to fade away the more I laugh and I start to think I won't throw up.

Suddenly, mid-way through filming, I can feel myself about to throw up so I sprint to the bathroom. I can hear Julien running after me calling my name. I make it to the bathroom and start to throw up in the toilet. Julien holds back my hair and rubs circles on my back. He is so sweet! He is truly the love of my life!

I finally finish and fall back into Julien's arms.

"Babe, are you ok?" Julien asks.
"Hmmm, I'm fine." I reply.
"I thought you said you felt better!" He exclaims.
"I did but uh, obviously not anymore!" I reply irritated.
"Ok, ok. I'm sorry! Did you eat bad meat or something?" He asks curious.
"I don't know, maybe? That must be it!" I reply.
"Do you wanna go sit on the couch?" He asks.
"Yeah, can you help me?" I ask.
"Of course baby!" He replies. He helps me up and leads me to the couch. I still feel a little nauseas but I'm not gonna sit on the bathroom floor!

Once I'm on the couch, Julien runs to get me blankets and some water. He comes back, tucks me in, and I thank him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Can you cuddle with me? Pweeaassee??" I ask with a pouty face.
"Sure baby!" He jumps on the couch and settles beside me. He wraps his arms around me and I'm already starting to feel better.

"Thank you Julien, for helping me." I say.
"No problem, I'd do anything for you." He replies.
"Love you." I tell him.
"Love you too." He replies. Then he kisses me on my head. I drift off to sleep thinking about two things.

One: I have to finish my video tomorrow.

Two: Why did I throw up?
This is my second story! I just started writing it because I always think about what would happen if Jenna got pregnant. I know they would be amazing parents and since they probably won't get married, a baby will come first! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

xoxo, Kiki

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