Chapter 3- Walgreens

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-June 23, 2016-

Jenna's POV:

My hands are clammy as I clench the steering wheel. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. A tear leaks out of my eye and slowly rolls down my cheek.

I feel like a zombie as I walk into Walgreens. The world is spinning around me, I feel like everything is in slow motion. I pick up the box with "First Response" written on the front. My hand shakes as I hand the cashier the plastic stick that will predict Julien and I's future.

As I drive home, I think. I think about what I have done. I think about what to tell Julien. I think about my life as it is now. I think about a baby running around my house one day. I just- think...

I told Julien I had to run to the store. I told him I was just really emotional today for no reason. Maybe because I was "sick".

A baby... WOW.

Bowie suddenly pops into my head. My baby niece saying "I love you aunty" blocks all negative thoughts. A small smile creeps onto my face as I look at the pregnancy tests. I've always wanted kids. I love kids. They can make you smile even when you feel your crappiest. A little Jenna or Julien running around. It would be amazing.

I pull into our driveway. My hand shakes violently as I stand on my doorstep, trying to find my house key. The bundle of keys drop onto the concrete with a *CLANG*. "Fuck..." I mumble. As I look towards the door, ready to insert the key, it flies open.

Julien's POV:

I'm pacing through the house. Somethings wrong with Jenna, I just know it. Why won't she tell me? I love her more than anything else in the world and I know she feels the same. She's my best friend, the best thing in my life. What could be so important that she would have to lie to me?

As I pass by the front door for the millionth time, I hear a loud *CLANG*. I quickly peek through the window and see Jenna picking up her keys from the floor. My heart fills with joy but is also strained with worry.

I grab hold of the door knob and yank it open. I am brought face to face with the love of my life. Mascara is running down her face and her eyes are all red. She has shock written all over her face. Before I can even say, "Are you ok?" she leaps into my arms. I hold onto her tight and kiss her neck. I don't hear sobs. She stays still, as if she is frozen.

"I love you Jenna" I whisper into her ear.
"I love you more ot" She whispers back.

We break apart from the hug and kiss each other passionately. I stair into her baby blue eyes and slightly smile.

"Otter, Are you ok?" I ask gently.
"I will be." She responds. With that, she leaves my arms and runs up the stairs. I hear the bathroom door slam shut. I guess I have to wait until she comes out.

Jenna's POV:

I tear open the box and empty out the contents. I take a deep breath and pee on the stick. I place the test on the counter and cover it with the box. The instructions say to wait 3 minutes so I set the timer on my phone. Two lines pregnant, one line not pregnant. At this point, I don't know which one I want to see...

*RING RING RING* The timers done. Here goes nothing...

NEW CHAPTER!! FINALLY!! I am so sorry for not updating for so long. Grade 10 endures homework every. single. night.
It really sucks I can't update more but you'll have to bear with me. 200+ READS!! WHAT???!!!! Thank you to everyone who has read this story and my other story. It means so much to me!! When I started writing these stories I thought no one would ever read them... But now, WOW!! Also, I love reading all of your Jennulien stories. THEIR INCREDIBLE!! Anyways, I want to make some sort of schedule for updating. If any of you have any ideas, just comment or message me. I can't update everyday but probably on the weekends. Maybe once a week? Every Saturday? Like I said, let me know your thoughts. BYE!!!

Xoxo Kiki

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