I lean against the small window beside me and stare down at the scenery that iam flying over. Bright lights lightning up the city below and completely making me forget why we left Westwood behinde. I look around my surroundings and notice that everyone is alseep including my parents. The only people awake are the flight attendants every now and then checking to see if everything is alright, and a boy around my age with styled dark brown quiff that seems to glance at me from time to time. I must admit he is pretty hadsome. He has light brown eyes from what I can tell due to the mini tv lighting up his face. Before he can catch me staring I lean back against my seat resting my head, and taking a deep breath.

I begin to wonder how much the small town of Westwood has changed since I left four years ago, the thought of what happened sends a unwelcoming chill down my spine, and a lump forms at my throat. I close my eyes and reminde myself that I can't change what happened, and my parents seemed happier when we lived here. The move from Florida back to United Kingdom will bring back their happiness and finishing my last year of high school with people I've known my whole life seems like a good way to end High School, even though the most important person won't be there.

A thought brings a smile to my face ill be closer to my older brother once again since he decided to stay in United Kingdom , my parents, my little brother and I all really miss him. As thoughts of growing up in Westwood creep into my head I begin to realize how tired I really am, and finally close my eyes for a well needed rest.

"Jo! That's cheating you can't do that! It's not fair!', Marcel yells as I cover his view from the tv preventing him from seeing where Toad his character in Mario Kart is driving. He then gently pushes me to the side so his view is back and he can now again see the tv. " It's completely fair your a guy, whos older then me and I am losing at Mario Kart even though you couldn't see!" He laughs a laugh that brings a smile to my face, " well I am pretty great arent I." He smiles towards me but somehow still maintains to keep Toad in first place. "Yeah, yeauh whatever I'll beat you someday" i say while leaning foward thinking it will help Yoshi to go faster.

Like any other time Marcel ends up winning hes tried letting me win but i know he does it on purpose to be a gentlemen. But ever since I told him to never let me win on purpose because that will make me feel like a baby he wins and actually tries.

He truns to look at me. " Well it looks like I won once again little Jo, now you have to bake me brownies." I pout and trun to face him " It's not fair your to good besides your a baker your make better brownies then me." He just smiles at my pout "trun that frown upsided down!" He says in a high pitched voice making me almost break my pout. He furrows his eye brows when he seems that he was unsecsessful when he notices I haven't smiled. He then grins making his dimples pop out, making him even more adorable then he already is. My eyes widen once I know what's running through his mind, he quickly sets his glasses on the coffee table before quickly attacking me in tickles. I break out in laughter, his laugh and mine bouncing off the walls. "Marcel! Stop okay okay! I get it iam smiling " but that doesn't stop him when I try to push him off he ends up falling off bringing me with him. Our laughter never ending.

Once I regain some breath I look up at his eyes and his smile that could light up anyones day. "Okay, okay since we settled your pouting problem how about we both make brownies and then we watch a movie and cuddle since I'am such a great cuddler ? Sounds fair? " he smiles down at me. I can't help but smile ," sounds like a plan," he then gets off me and gives me a hand in getting up. We both then head to the kitchen but he stops in his tracks, and truns around already knowing what he forgot I beat him to it and grab his glasses setting them on his face. "Perfect," I grin up at him and kiss his cheek. Immediately his cheeks heat up and he smiles down at me. He then wraps an arm around me and brings me closer so he can kiss my cheek in retrun. " Ready to taste my amazing world winning brownies bestie?" I look up at him " you mean my world famously delicious brownies? Well of crouse chop chop lets get going." He laughs but walks with me towards the kitchen, once I open the cabinet to get the bowls out Marcel is gone. I hear someone calling my name but its not Marcels I try to speak but my voice is cut off.

"Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo wake up. Wake up, wake up," I open my eyes to see that my little brother James is shaking my shoulder, I rub my eyes to try and shake some sleep away "what why'd you wake me up?" He smiles a smile that I haven't seen in a while "Well we're about to land and this like really pretty hot lady came over here and told us to buckle up." I shake my head at this hormonel 16 year old "buckle up? " I grin he rolls his eyes at me, " I was to busy staring at her okay? But iam pretty sure it was something along those lines, because everyone else seems to be doing that." I roll my eyes and laugh buckling up and mentally preparing myself to return to Westwood.

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