Chapter 4 - Surprise!

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"Okay everyone, please clean up, get the materials that belong to you, and please exit," Miss Allen said kindly.

Everyone nodded and started to pack, then clean up their messes. Kenzie and I walked outside of the art room and met up with our friends.

I looked to my right and saw Draven and Mallory walking together.

I smiled and nudged Derek lightly with my elbow. He looked down at me,"Hey. What's up?"

"Look!" I exclaimed, pointing to Draven and Mallory.

I pulled out my camera. He shook his head, but a half-smile still appeared on his face.

*Click! *


I smiled and continued to walk with my friends. Everyone soon walked to their own houses, and it was just, Tanner, Taylor, Kenzie, and I.

We finally made it to our nice, small, and cozy home. We waved to the few friends that were left and walked inside our house.

And when we did, we all spotted boxes everywhere and the whole house seemed to be empty. Our dad was just finishing wrapping a box.

"What's all this?" Kenzie asked, patting a box near her. 

Our mum entered the room and glanced right over to us. "Hi kids! How was school?" she beamed, but quickly altered after she had seen our confused faces.

Our father was staring at her, and she looked over at him and said, "Oh..."

"Kids we have something to tell you," she began. She seemed very nervous and inhaled.

She exhaled and continued,"We're moving!".

Holy crap, we're moving?!

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Not far, don't worry! It's a house nearby, and it's closer to your school," Mum explained.

"So that's what all the boxes are for," Tanner mumbled to himself, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Another thing..." Mum started.

What?? There's something else we don't know about?

"We may or may not be moving today..? In a few hours.. At 8:30 PM.." She said nervously, waiting for our reactions.

But no one said a word.

It was silent.

So I decided to say something, "How big is the house?"

Mum looked at me. "We're moving to a massive mansion with 4 floors," she said, a smile appearing on her face.

She knew we'd like it.

"OMG!" Kenzie and I squealed in delight.

"Twins!" We both said looking at each other.

We always did things like this, talked at the same time, thought the same things, etc.

It was as if we shared a brain.

"Better go pack up, and organize your boxes," Dad said, a smile finally appearing onto his face.

Taylor and Tanner rushed upstairs and into their rooms.

Kenzie and I looked at each other, shrugged, and dashed up the stairs and into our room.

We packed our things as fast as we could, we had a lot of stuff to pack.

After a while, I yawned, exhausted.

"Finally we're done!" I said, stretching.

Kenzie and I finished packing at the same time.

Go figure.

"Yeah." she said, picking up boxes and heading to the door. I also picked up some boxes and headed to the door, downstairs, and placed the boxes down near Kenzie's, which were near the door.

Then Kenzie and I went back up to get more boxes. We continued doing this until our room was completely, empty. Then every single one of us (the family) moved everyone's boxes into a huge truck.

Mom got into the passenger's seat, and dad in the driver's seat. Tanner sat near the left window, I sat next to him, Kenzie next to me, and Taylor at the right window.

Yes, we weren't supposed to have 4 kids in the back but, what else could we do?

I was very tired and my eyes kept closing and opening again. Tanner looked at me. I really only wanted to go to sleep, so I leaned on his shoulder and fell sound asleep.

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