Chapter 3

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Jane's POV

"Close your eyes....Breathe in... and ..... out....In....and....out." I tried to hipnotise Lisbon. " That's good..." I don't know what happened to her. "Now....Let your mind take you at CBI." I watched her fighting with her mind. "You can see Bertram's office...Now...Tell me why did you get fired..."
"I...I...I can't...He was yelling at me...I can't hear what... what he is talking..." she said,and she opened her eyes crying. " I'm sorry.I...I can't do this..."
"'s okay.You just need to relax and...." in that momen someone knocked at the door. "I'll be right here." I said and then I opened the door. Nobody was there. I looked down and saw the letter. I took it and started to read it.
"Dear Mister Jane,

It's good to see you care again. I'm sure that your Teresa is not okay. Do you know why? Of course you don't. She get fired because she killed Agent Cho. I told her to do that. She is now my toy. I did something to her. If you're real mentalist, than you'll know what I did to her.

Good luck,
Red John. :) "

No! He didn't do that! I looked at her. She is broken.She killed Cho? No! It's not true.
"Jane,who was that?" Teresa asked.
"N...Nobody... I need to... to go at CBI. I'll be back soon. Stay here."
Cho is not dead. Red John is a liar. CHO IS NOT DEAD!

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