Chapter 1- How It All Started

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(A/N) Hey guys this is my first writing ever and I hope you guys like it so maybe i'll write more story's or continue this one if you guys really like it. So i here we go I guess. PS. Please tell me what is wrong with the story so I can get better I really want to start doing this.
Here is some info about the story you should now.
AGES:Leo is 21, Raph is 18, Donnie is 16, Mikey is 14, and you are 12.
YOU:You are a human girl and you live in a family of all men, hahaha let's see how this goes.

You were in your room on your iPad watching some YouTube videos. All of a sudden your mind started to think about the time your father took you in. This was about 11 years ago when you were 1 years old and at the time Leo was 10, Raph was 7, Donnie was 5, and Mikey was 3.You all were so young, thinking that 11 years ago you were just a baby and now you are all most a full Kunoichi . You thought to your self " Wow it's amazing how time fly's." You thought about when Master Splinter found you.
I was taking a walk in the sewers when I started to hear crying.I was curious of what it was so I started walking closer to the sound to see a baby girl on the ground all alone. No one was around and I didn't sense another presence, so I took the baby home. I was very worried about taking the baby home thinking it might be a trap but leaving it all alone was not a option ether. After having a brief meditation to think about it I decided to keep the baby and call her [y/n].
*End of Flashback*
You were knocked out of your trance by knocking on your door.
" Who is it" you said. The door opened and you saw your oldest brother Leo.
"Dinners Ready come and eat" he said in a sweet voice.
" Okay be there in a sec" you replied. He leaves and closes the door and you get up and put your iPad away, and brush your hair really quick because it was messy. When you were done you start walking down the hall and right when you were about to enter the kitchen someone puts you in a headlock and starts to mess up your nicely brushed hair, it was Raph.
"Hey pep squeak ready to eat." He teased
"I would love to but I need you to let go of me first"you started getting upset.
"Nah I'm good" he smirked.
"Raph let go of [y/n], you can bother her later but right know it's time to eat" Leo commanded.
"Uhhhhh, thanks Leo I guess" you thought.
Raph lets go of you and sits at the table, Mikey sits next to Raph, Donnie sits in front of Mikey, Leo sits in front of Raph,and you sit in between Mikey and Donnie. You were all about to eat when Master Splinter came in and sat at the head of the table.
"Hey dad,'' all of the siblings said in unison.
"Hello my children," he walked to the table and sat down.
"My children I need to tell you all something very important," he broke the silence.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at there beloved Sensei. What was he talking about, is what all ran in their minds. Breaking the silence once again Splinter spoke.
"We need to train harder, the Shredder is growing stronger along with his henchmen."
"But Sensei don't we train hard enough" Mikey spoke up.
"You can never train to hard my son, we start our new training tomorrow, instead of training 2 hours a day we will be training 4 maybe even 5.''
"What Sensei don't you think that's a little to much" Raph said trying to hold the angry that was rising in he's chest begging to be let out.
"It's better to be safe then sorry Raph" Donnie finally said.
"NO THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!!" Raph yelled.
"Were are you going" you asked worried.
"OUT" and that was the last thing Raph said before he left the lair and went top side to blow off some steam.
"I'm going to go after him" Leo got up.
"No let me you'll just make him angrier, i'll work my little sister powers and bring him back home" you insisted.
"Fine be careful my daughter" splinter gave you permission.
You got up and went to go find Raph but what you found was something much different.

(A/N) DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN what's going to happen next. Thanks so much for reading i will make a chapter 2 ether later on this day or tomorrow. Please comment and vote if you liked this story *click* or nah. Hope you have a wonderful day and ROCK ON!
Peace :)

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