Chapter 21-Jealousy

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(A/N) Hey guys
Lol anyway, let's get on with the chapter
*1: 30 Am At The Lair*

You set your alarm clock for 1:30 in the morning, but making it quite so Leo wouldn't hear since you share a room with him. Your plan was to embarrass your brothers in front of their girls. You had multiple ideas like, dumping a bucket of piss on them when they walk in the lair, or putting huge amounts of salt in their food, or even putting super glue on their chairs. And for all these ideas you would blame them on your brows.
"You know what since I can't choose I'll just do all of them!!!" You whispered to yourself. "Oh, this is going to be fun,"
And from 1:30 to 6:00 am when everyone gets up you were setting up your traps. The salt and glue parts were easy, you just had to find the glue which was in Donnie's lab, and had to get the salt from the kitchen. What was hard was the bucket of pee, you found the bucket in Raph's garage, but it took you HOURS to fill the bucket with pee. You went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, getting all the soda and juice that was there. You'd chug the liquid and wait, pee, drink, wait, pee, drink, wait. Over and over again, till the bucket was full. Once you finally finished, you carried the bucket to the entrance of the lair, being very careful not to spill any of it on the floor or on you. It took a while cause it was heavy, but with your ninja skills you managed to get it to a little ledge on top of the entrance. So when they walked in you would secretly be up there and push the bucket on them, leaving before anyone could look up and see you. You though you plans were pure genius! Once you have finished everything you took the glue and salt and quietly went back to your room and pretended to be asleep till it hit 6:00.
*Alarm Clocks Ring*
You jump up from bed and lunged at Leo who was still sleeping.
"MORNING LEO!!!" You jumped on him.
"Aahhhhh!!!!!! (Y/n) what the-" You cut him off by running out of the room.
You raced down the hallway and ran into Raph's room first.
"MORNING RAPHIE," You shook him.
"Ggggrrrrrrrrrr!!!" He growled.
"Oops hey never mind," you ran out.
You slammed open Donnie's room.
"MORNING DONNIE," You, or at least TRIED, to pull him out of bed.
"(Y/N)!!!!" He said while you ran out again.
You finally went into Mikey's.
"MORNING MIKEY," You slapped his face.
"OOOWWWIIEEEE," he rubbed where hitting him.
You giggled and skipped out to the kitchen.
"LETS MAKE BREAKFAST IM HUNGRY!!!" You yelled, banging two pots together.
"(Y/n) what is it with you today," Leo said, rubbing his eye with everyone else following him.
"I'm just excited for today," you smiled.
"Excited for what!" Raph snapped.
"Well, today's Friday, everyone loves Friday!"
"He not Raph, he doesn't like anything," Mikey snickered.
"Do you want to die, Mikey!" Raph snarled.
"Come ooonnnnnn, less talk more cooking!!!" You whined.
"Mike, what do you want to eat," Donnie said, putting you on the counter.
"Hmmmmmm PANCAKES!!!" You squealed, swinging your feet a little.
"Pancakes it is then, hey, let's invite the girls over today, maybe they'd like some," Leo said going to the fridge and cabinets to get the ingredients.
"Yeah why not," Raph shrugged.
"Yes perfect, everything's going as planned," you thought, rubbing your hands together like an evil villain. "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Everyone looked at you.
"Oh, uh.... sorry," You gave them a toothy grin as you ran out and got the salt that was in your room.
You walked back to the kitchen, hiding the salt behind your back and sitting down at the table where no one would see it.
"So (y/n) you want chocolate or blueberry," Mikey asked.
Miley nodded as everyone helped with the cooking. Once the pancakes were done there was still some batter left, and when no one was looking you dumped the whole bag of salt in there, throwing out the bag and quickly stirred it up.
"(Y/n) what are you doing," Raph asked.
"Oh, I was just mixing the batter a little more,"
"But we're done,"
"Let's not waist food, we're going to have a lot of people here, gotta make enough right,"
"I guess,"
You started to pour the batter in the pans, making some more pancakes. Once they were done, you put the ones you made on a special plate, not mixing them with the good ones.
"Hey guys I just texted them, they're on their way," Donnie yelled.
"K," everyone said in unison.
"There is something seriously wrong with you?" Donnie shook his head.
You just smiled innocently and walked to the entrance, you got in your position and waited. You waited there for about 30 minutes, but finally you heard Mikey coming to go get the girls, you ducked down on the ledge so he wouldn't see you. Without him realizing you were there he walked through and carried on walking to the manhole. About 5 minutes went by and you could hear the laughter of the girls.
"Alright, here we go," you whispered to yourself.
Once they were under you, you pushed the bucket. It came flying down as the liquid spilled all over the girls.
You snickered and bolted before anyone could see.
"Omg *sniff* *sniff* is this... PEE!!!" GIs yelled.
"MMMIIIKKKKEEEEYYYY!!!" The girls screamed.
"It wasn't me!!!!"
"Omg you're such a liar!!" Casey snapped.
"No, I'm serious!!!"
"Don't talk to me right now!"
Leo, Raph, and Donnie came running.
"What happened!" Leo asked.
"MIKEY!! DUMPED PEE ALL OVER US," Gab cried. (She's not actually crying😂)
"MMMIIKKKEEEYYYY!!!!!" The bros yelled.
"IT SERIOUSLY WASN'T ME!!!" Mikey yelled as Raph chased him.
"Here, let's get you guys cleaned up," Donnie motioned to his lab.
The girls followed and you watched from a distance.
"One down, two to go,"
Once the girls got cleaned up you all went to the kitchen for some pancakes.
"Ooooo yyyaaasssss I love me some pancakes!" Emma cheered.
"Me too, you know me and Leo mostly did all the work," Donnie bragged.
"Really," Emma and Gab said in awe.
"Yup," Leo grinned wildly.
"Huh whatever, well I made the arranged seating, (y/n), Mikey, Leo, Donnie, Gab, GIs, Emma, Casey, and me," Raph pointed at the seats.
"Wwwwoowwww you're so organized," GIs rolled her eyes.
"Whatever shorty," he scoffed.
Since you already knew about Raph's seating you put the super glue on the girls' seats when they were getting cleaned up. Once everyone took a seat you offered to hand out the pancakes. You gave the pancakes to your bros first, then handed the rest of the girls.
"Enjoy," Leo smiled.
You were dying inside from the anticipation. You couldn't wait to see the look on their faces when they took that first bite. They all cut a piece and took a bite.
"*cough* *cough* *gasp*" They all started to gag.
"It's so salty!"
"Guys, what the fuck!"
"Leo Donnie what's wrong with you!!!" Gab yelled.
"Wait, wait, we didn't put salt in there!" Donnie panicked.
"You taste it, then," Emma offered.
"OH SHIT!!!" Donnie ran out of the room.
"You two are assholes!" Gab snapped.
"I gotta go to the bathroom to wash my mouth," Gis said getting up, but the chair was stuck to her."WHAT THE HELL!!RRAAAPPHHH!!!"
The rest of them got up as the same thing happened to them.
"Hey calm down Gis, let's just go," Casey Guided her.
All the girl waddled out of the kitchen.
"Guys wait we didn't do any of this," Leo stopped them.
"Then who did huh!" Casey glared.
"I-I don't know,"
"Whatever," Gis pushed Leo out of the way.
"Let me at least help you guys," Donnie called out.
"You've done enough, you all have," Emma frowned at Donnie in disappointment.
"Raph come help us with the manhole," Gab motioned.
Raph sighed and walked with them. Once he got back everyone was arguing.
"Alright now who did it!" Leo ordered.
"It's wasn't me, you know I would've been laughing!" Mikey put his hands up.
"You guys know I would never do stuff like that!" Donnie waved his arms around.
"I might me an ass but this time it wasn't me," Raph crossed his arms.
"Wait......(YYYY/NNNN)!!!" They all yelled.
"Oh no......"

Hey guys, I really really hoped you liked this chapter.
I'm trying to get more out since I was gone for a bit.
But anyways I hope you all have a wonderful Day/Night
Bbbbaaaiiiiiii xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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