i wake up at 5;30 to my alarm going off. i shut it off so Ashley doesn't wake up. when i get out of the bed and says what are you doing. i kiss her cheek and says im getting ready to go to work. Ashley gets out of bed and leave in ten min. i say ok. she lays on me and says you wont move intill 5:40a.m. i smile and say fine and i push her to the side of me and put my arm around her. she falls back asleep and i slowly get up and get dress. i leave at 5:40a.m. when i get to work, i am told to go out and find this guy named Jim nickle com. i end up finding him and arrest him. he is sentenced to jail for 27 years. he yelled out to me as he got pulled out that he would get me back... "28 years later" knock knock knock Ashley answers the door. i hear and gun shot. i grab my gun and run out the bedroom door. i see Ashley we a bullet shot in her head. she is dead on th ground. i see the man who did it. i chase him down and tackle him. i shot him in the shoulder so he could feel the pain. My eyes turn black as i start to beat him. i beat him intill he dies. i run back to my house and call the police station and say i need a bus as quick as possible....... Hi everybody this is Madison. I'm here to let you guys know that Charlie, he um hde committed suicide two days after Ashley died. He shall rest in peace.
Randomthis is a story of my life.i'm the age of 18 and almost lost about everything I had. my name is Charlie. I have a girlfriend named Madison and a best friend named Ashley. there is a boy named tommy that is 18 too and he constantly bullies me.. tomm...