Meeting the team pt 2

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Third POV

I got up and go to stream and sasuke followed and others did with out knowing. Then we started singing.  Babydoll looks up at moon. Then got up walking up to sasuke pull him sit by her. She lays her head on his shoulder and grab his hand makes circles on it.   " I didn't think you knew that song or sing." she said. He look down at her. " I don't sing but that was a song my mom us sing me if I scared about something." he said. She got up hug him. " thank you". she said. he look up at her red eyes. " for." he said. " sharing that with me knowing it bring up mermories." she said hold his cheek and kiss him. " lets go back to others so they don't get worried." she said. he node. the others went back to camp act like they don't know anything. Babydoll and sasuke gets back. Babydoll falls asleep in sasuke arms.

sorry this one short but the others won't

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