「Ch. XV | Igneel」

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I have an idea, I'm going to update this every other day or maybe earlier or late until the end. I've already finished writing this and there's only two more chapters after this T^T omg it's almost over. I'll try not to get emotional. Anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!

"Are you all ready?"

Everyone looked at each other, all clad in their special outfits Mira packed for them. They all nodded at Yukira and she nodded back. Then she turned and reached her hand up to touch the portal and the second she did...it was as if the world exploded.

Yukira felt herself being pulled both ways, like she was the rope in tug-a-war. Suddenly she heard a pop sound and she was released. She fell and landed on her stomach on what seemed like normal ground. 

But when she got up what she saw was anything but ordinary.

Floating islands were everywhere and a few dragons flew by, a few looking at her. She moved forward and looked around with her mouth agape and her eyes wide in awe. She heard her friends come through behind her and when Yukira looked to her right, in the distance she saw a small building with what looked like hundreds of dragons flying around it.

"Wow," was all Yukira could say as she stared. Suddenly she was pushed to the ground by a gust of wind. She covered her face with her arms as she fell to the ground with a grunt. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a large dragon peering down at her.

She looked to her left and saw that all of her friends had collapsed as well. When she looked back at the dragon she noticed that it was the same colour as her magic "Who are you?" she whispered. "I am Aedus, a lava dragon."

Now she knew why he looked like her magic, he was the lava dragon. She stood up and said as proudly as she could "My name is Yukira Dragneel, lava dragon slayer." The dragon made a sound at the name but it wasn't impressed nor hateful.

"Dragneel? You're the daughter of Natsu Dragneel then?" She nodded, surprised Aedus knew her father. The dragon leaned back and gave what could be considered a smile "You are welcome here, granddaughter of Igneel, your friends are as well."

He looked at her friends then back at Yukira "What brings you here, young one?" She gulped at the dragon's piercing gaze "This is Draken, no?" Aedus nodded "I'm here to stop someone from taking over your world."

Aedus smiled a bit "You mean Alain? He's no threat, we've already handled him." Yukira deflated, her mission was already done. "But," Aedus's face grew serious "Your grandfather needs to see you." Yukira nodded and looked towards the building in the distance "There?"

Aedus followed her gaze "Yes, come now, I will carry come of your friends but the others will be carried by the other dragons." Yukira nodded "How many can you hold?" "Five, but I'll get a friend of mine to carry the other five."

His gaze passed over the group and it paused on Lela then he turned away towards an island. He didn't make a sound but he seemed very concentrated. Suddenly a roar was heard and a steel coloured dragon flew about the trees on one of the island and it flew over "What is it Aedus?"

The new dragon landed in the small space left on the island "Metaleen, I need you to carry five of these children to Igneel." Metaleen grumbled and laid down "Get on, kids, I don't have time for this." Yukira started to climb up on Aedus and her other friends figured out their seating arrangement.

"Hang on."

That was the only warning Yukira got before Aedus started running and jumped off the island, falling a bit then suddenly going up as he put out his wings.

Yukira hung on tightly, scared an excited at the same time. The wind blew her hair straight back behind her as she yelped in joy as the air hit her in the face. Aedus looked back at her and smiled then looked forward again.

Yukira could see the building coming closer and saw that it was a super sized castle. It was simple and elegant. The number of dragons flying around it were uncountable; what was even more amazing was that not two dragons were the same colour.

Soon Aedus and Metaleen reached the wall of Dragons and stopped. Aedus roared and a path formed as the dragons parted and made a hole in which Aedus and Metaleen could fly through. Aedus went first and soon landed on a platform. Metaleen landed beside him.

Yukira slid off and ran forward a bit to see the largest dragon yet sitting on a throne of gold. A giant red dragon. "Igneel?" She asked and the dragon turned to her "Yes, who are you?" Igneel looked at her closely, as if he knew her but couldn't quite place her.

"Your granddaughter, I'm Yukira Dragneel, daughter of Natsu Dragneel." Igneel smiled and laughed "My grandchild? My, you are so young, come closer, dear." She went closer and smiled as her grandfather looked her over.

"My son did well in raising you with that wife of his, Lucy Heartfilia." She smiled "Yes, yes he did." Ryuu came up behind Yukira and put a hand on her shoulder. "Who's this?" Igneel asked turning his gaze to Ryuu.

Ryuu shuddered under the powerful gaze as Yukira smiled even more "Ryuu, my...uh..." "I'm her boyfriend." Igneel chuckled as Yukira's face went red as Ryuu kissed her cheek. Igneel stopped laughing and said "My family must have a thing for blondes." Yukira giggled and looked back up and Igneel.

"Why are you here my daughter?" "Well...I was going to help with Alain but it seems he's already been taken care of. So I guess there isn't much for me to do." Igneel thought for a moment "Even if you aren't here on some big adventure, I'm glad you're here."

Yukira was about to answer when an alarm went off, red and very loud. Igneel's eyes widened and he whispered "No..." Yukira panicked a little "What? What is it?" Igneel waited a moment before answering.

"Yin and Yang have been broken again."

Wow, that was so badly written I feel, sorry :P.  Yin and Yang have broken again and now Yukira and her friends have to do something about it! Anyway...as always arigatou for reading!

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