A Fresh Start

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All day Prod has been thinking about if Ray was going to change his mind and take Prod back. He still had a little hope but knowing Ray, that hope was slowly starting to go away.
Before heading off to his other class, Prod stopped at his locker first and that's when he found a note stuck to his locker.

Meet me at the cafeteria entrance during lunch


He looked at the note one last time before crumbling it up and throwing it in the trash getting what he needed before heading off to his next class.

Ray was a little nervous about meeting with Prod during lunch. He felt that things werent going to be the same and not knowing how Prod was going to react really made him nervous.

The bell rung and it was now lunch time. Prod decided to bring Prince along since he knew about the whole situation. Prod and Prince waited by the cafeteria entrance making sure not to get in the way of the students that were going in.

After about 5 minutes, Ray shows up with something that looks like a binder.

Ray: hey...I see you brought Prince

Prod: yeah, hope that's OK

Ray: yeah its fine, I just wanted yo give you something and say that I'm gonna miss you

Prod: imma miss you too *takes the binder from him and opens it: wow all the pictures we took together starting from when we first met *smiles and looks up at Ray* I love it

Ray: I'm glad you like it, it took me a while to get all those pictures and the things to put the pictures in

Prod: Thanks *hugs you*

Ray: Yeah...well I gotta go I will hit you up when once I move

Prod: k bye

Prod and Prince head into the cafeteria and Prod can't stop thinking about how much he was going to miss Ray. The rest of the day went by quick and it was finally time to go home.

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