Diagon Alley

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(A/N : picture is her bedroom.)

"You might be crazy. But have I told you lately? That I love you. You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly."
I woke up to female muggle singer, Victoria Justice, singing one of my favorite songs.

"Em? Are you awake?" My father yelled from downstairs.

"Yes,father! I'm getting dressed!"I yelled back. I put on my mint green tank top that was tight at the shoulders then was somewhat flowing at the bottom. I grabbed my sweatpants off of my chair and put them on,leaving the strings undone. I spotted my NIKE sweatshirt and threw that on. It was a muggle brand that I was quite fond of. I left my grey socks on,they were cozy since they came up to my mid calf but I had the scrunched down so they were just above my ankle. I put my hair in a messy bun and went to the bathroom across the hall to get my headband and to do my makeup. I slipped my grey headband over my hair and then when it was hanging loosely from my neck,I pushed it up,pulling my hair from my face. I put mascara on and my EOS. (another muggle brand I was quite fond of.)
       I made my way to my room again,looking for my cream colored boots. I saw them beside my basket and  put them on. I ran down stairs,spotting my father in the kitchen.

"What are doing?" I asked him.

"Making breakfast,what does it look like I'm doing?" He asked.

"Why,father! You know it looks like you're doing backflips while riding sidesaddle on a unicorn!" I said sarcastically.

"Emily Jane,enough with your silly fantasies." My father faked being a pompous man with a loony daughter. I gave him a look as he strokes him imaginary beard. He stops and looks at me. We start laughing and the oven goes off.

"Bloody hell,dad. What're you making?" I ask as he pulls a smoking pan from the oven.

"They were supposed to be muggle cookies..." He frowns. He then waves his wand they look better.

"Close enough." I shrug. "Anyways,let's go!"

"Hold on,Em!" He covers his ears at my loudness. "I need to clean up."

"Fiiiiinnnneeeee." I drag the word out,showing him that I'm not happy but I'll let it slide. He gives me his signature 'Em-stop-or-you'll-be-grounded' look. I pout and he chuckles then disappears into his room.

                       *Le Time Skip*

"So that's what I need for my first year at Hogwarts!" I said happily as Hagrid took me and my new friend Harry out to Diagon Alley. My father had to do something that involved taking a potion so he didn't wolf out on me at night when the full moon rose.

"How are we supposed to get all of this in London?" Harry seemed genuinely confused. Poor bloke,must be a nasty shock finding out that his parents were murdered,he was lied to almost his whole life,and he was a wizard in one night. I'd grown up around magic seeing as my father was a half blood and my mother was a pureblood. So technically,I'm a three fourths magical and one fourth muggle. Anyways, back to what they're saying :

"You can get it all if you know where to go." (A/N I suck at typing Hagrid's accent,so just work with me here.)

"Yea! It's called Diagon Alley!" I told Harry excitedly. He laughed at my happiness and together we walked arm in arm down to the Leaky Caldron.

"Your usual,Hagrid?" A man behind the bar asked. Hagrid looked somewhat embarrassed when he said that.

"No,I'm on official Hogwarts business today." He then paused his walking,making us stop seeing as we couldn't really go anywhere. "Lil Harry and Emily here have some school shopping to do."

"Harry? As in Harry Potter?" A woman whispered.

"It is! It's Harry Potter! I've been waiting for this my whole life,Mr. Potter!" A man came up and shook his hand. Then he turned to me "Blimey! I-it's her! It's Aurora Potter! You look just like your mother,you do."

"Aurora and Harry Potter? As in the Cousins Who Conquered the Dark Lord?" People whispered. I was beyond confused,and by the looks of it,so was Harry. My name was Emily Lupin not Aurora Potter! And I was just friends with Harry,I wasn't his cousin! My mom died when I was only a year old,and I never conquered Voldemort!

"Well,let's go kids." Hagrid placed his large hands on our heads and lightly pushed us forward to get us walking.

                    •Le Time Skip•

"Okay,now we need to go to Ollivader's to get our wands." Harry said. I nodded. We walked to the shop and walked in.

"Hello?" I called,seeing as no one was in sight. After receiving no answer,I turned to Harry with a sigh.

"Hello, Ms Aurora Potter and Mr Harry Potter! I'd been wondering when I'd see you two." A crazy old man popped up from seemingly nowhere,making me jump into Harry's arms.

"What is it with you guys calling me Aurora Potter? I'm Emily Lupin!" I hopped down from Harry's arms,crossing my own.

"Oh,that's not my place to tell you." Ollivader said. I rolled my eyes.

"Just give me a wand and you'll be my best friend." He chuckled at me from behind his desk.

"Here." He handed me a wand from a box. I waved it around. The end of it lit up like a Christmas tree and I was in awe. Freaking awesome,dude. "Hmm interesting. Thirteen inches. Lion's hair, mahogany, ( Effie : that is mahogany!) diamond core."

"Interesting." I pretended to stroke my imaginary beard. The two people in the room chuckled at my weirdness. "I'll take it!"

"Very well,I would have to give it to you even if you didn't take it. " He said as I gave him my money.

"Oh,I know. I just wanted to say that because it makes me sound older." I smiled at the older man before turning to leave.

"Meet me at Flourish and Blotts?" Harry asked. We'd passed that shop and still had yet to go in to get our books.

"Yea,will do! Now,go get your wand." I paused, " Remember,with great power,comes a great need of responsibility."

"Really, E.J?" He asked me.

"Sorry. I've been watching way too much Star Wars lately." I giggled as he sighed. "Well,bye!"

"See you later!" He waved at me and I waved back.

I was walking around,looking at all the stuff there was. Soon,I bumped into a boy around my age.

"Sorry dude. I didn't mean to bump into you." I quickly glanced up as he towered over me. I was currently still on the ground. He had slick backed bleach blonde hair and grayish blue eyes. His skin was soft looking and he was pretty adorable.

"Are you even listening to me?" He asked. I blushed.

"Yes." I said crossing my arms.

"Oh,really?" He offered me his hand. "Here,let me help you up."

"Thanks." I said,taking his hand after eyeing it for a couple of minutes. Maybe I could trust this total hottie. Maybe this boy would be my best friend. Maybe he was my soulmate. Maybe.

Boy,was I wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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