Chapter 6

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Dracus had the look that he's not gonna let go of the green orb which Commander Razel referred to as the forest's heart.

"I know you can't break that orb... You're gonna use it for accumulating power, aren't you? And you started off with the Earth element. Someone already did that in the past, during the Era of Obsidians." The commander blurted out.

Era of Obsidians? I think I've read that in a book before... The time when obsidians where all around Alumoura after the giant obsidian blasted atop the continent's center...

"Tch. You've been around that time, huh? So, you're already an ancient immortal?" Dracus teased.

"ARGH!" Commander Razel swiftly threw the steaming water ball. Dracus would have evaded completely, not only if his right arm was scalded.

"Too much for making a bluff! I want to battle you to death until you run out of elemental energy and have your second death!" And with that, Commander Razel formed a trident of 100% water from thin air and froze it.

I haven't seen Darkness, or usually called the forbidden, artificial element being used until now. The gray-haired man possessed that kind of element. Kageyama also told me about this said forbidden element.

Dracus imitated Commander Razel, he has also formed a longer trident of his own, formed from darkness. The darkness that builds it was from the unlighted area inside his coat. The coat's inside then became void.

From our distance, we just watched the dueling dance of the tridents. Daisuke saw the crack on the commander's ice trident, and he leaped forward, planning a sneak attack on Dracus.

"Stay out of this, Daisuke! Come here when I called for help!" Did she just acted cool in front of us?

"... Sure." It took Daisuke a while to respond, then leaped back.

I noticed another thing. This man known as 'Dracus' was said to be very tough. But he's almost no match to our commander... Is... that man really Dracus? I looked at Commander Razel. It seems that she also has noticed this. And she also knew that I have noticed it too. "Hinata, come closer!"

And I did what she told me to do. As I shortened our distance to each other, the commander quickly went into the back of Dracus and grabbed both of his arms and locked it by ice. "Now, Hinata! Shoot a fireball to his face!"

"U-understood!" I concentrated my mind by closing my eyes to imagine a fireball on my left hand, and made it burn to life. I opened my eyes and there was a fireball on my left hand. I threw it and it hit Dracus' face.

After the fireball hit Dracus' face, the visage slowly transformed into a face of a cute teenage girl. When the fireball hit him, or her, the gray hair got burned and came off which turned out to be a wig. The girl then brushed strands from her pink hair off her eyes as she got free from the commander's grip.

"I knew it. You're not the real deal." I sensed disappointment in the voice of our commander. I guess she wants an intense duel after all...

"H-How did she look exactly like Dracus?" Kageyama walked forward to us.

"She must have used the Darkness element to absorb darkness for a matter of time and controlled the particles of darkness to color itself to look like Dracus, and this darkness was then covered onto her face. I just don't know how she copied Dracus' voice."

"Ehem. It's my talent. To imitate voices," the pink-haired girl then copied Commander Razel's slightly soprano voice.

Commander Razel ignored this and proceeded, "The darkness went to their respective locations when they are exposed to light. And the light I'm referring to was your fireball, Hinata."

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