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 Thalia gasped and backed up to the river, her jaw hung open as she tried to speak but couldn't. "It is alright sweetheart, mother is here." Mira, her mother, stepped out of the tree's, revealing her beautiful clear skin, her hazel eyes and long flowing black hair. "I knew you inherited your father's genes. It was bound to happen." As Thalia inhaled, she smelt a scent but couldn't place it. "I guess Hunter and your father hasn't told you what you truly are. You are not fully werewolf, you got that gene from your father. The other gene, you got from me. Ever wondered why you are squeamish around blood? Why you always feel ill and light headed around it?" She stepped towards Thalia and knelt down in front of her, resting a hand on her paw. "I am a vampire, sweetie. That makes you a hybrid." It took a moment for Thalia's mouth to form words as she was still processing the information. "Is that why people think that I am the savior?" Mira nodded. "Does Kyro and the pack know? What about Lunar?" Her mum looked at her. "Kyro does know but no, the pack does not. For your protection. If the other packs caught wind of this information, they would come to make you fight for them. Lunar, however, does not know, she is mortal and needs to be kept away from this. That is why you can not tell her or anyone about your bloodline. Understood?" Thalia nodded. "See you at home dear and do not worry, the pain when you shift eases as your body and mind gets used to it." Mira kissed the top of her head lightly, Thalia closed her eyes and when she opened them Mira was gone.

 After a while, she made her way back to the pack and laid down, thinking about what Mira said, her thoughts were disrupted as Kyro approached. "You know, don't you?" Thalia nodded. "Why didn't my dad tell me, or Hunter, or you?" Kyro shrugged. "The big guy wanted to tell you himself but couldn't pick the right moment. Anyway, your face says it all." She rested her head on her paws. "It sucks." Kyro smirked. "Literally." Thalia shook her head and laughed a little. They sat and talked for awhile until her dad made the pack go back to the large castle to change back to normal.

 Thalia followed the pack in through the cellar door and padded down into the cages, they all began to change to their human forms which didn't take long as their extra limbs just fell off and their pelt fell off, revealing their human selves. "Ugh this is gross." She muttered as she was covered in her wolf's blood, he nodded. "Yeah but less painful, and cover up will ya?" A confused expression came on her then when she looked down, she saw that she was naked. "Oh shit!" Quickly, she dove behind the boulders and showered in the built in shower, she then got dressed and walked out. "Well, I need a coffee and a therapist." She walked out and was about to head onto the main road until she received a blow to the head, knocking her out.

Who do you think kidnapped her? Was her mum lieing about Lunar being human? Was there a reason for her dad not telling her? Can Hunter be trusted? What about Kyro? Who can she trust? Keep on reading to find out.

Author's Note: Sorry I haven't been writing in a long time, I've been busy since we just broke up from school. YAY! See you all later, bye! Oh and do you want me to write how they shift to and from the wolf forms or not? Let me know in the comments, see ya!

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