Just the Beginning

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"Hi, I'm Christina Kendall. I'm currently 17 years old. I'm about 5'3 inches tall, and I live in Michigan. Well you see here I-"
"Chrissy! Enough with that lame video stuff! C'mon, you gonna help me pack or what?" Arista shouted.
"Oh yes, that's Arista, and she's my sister, ain't that right, Ari?" I smirked, panning the camera around to reveal an angry sister. "She's 20 and she's off to her new apartment! Yes, I know folks, isn't it sad when your own sister leaves you?"
"Oh keep it down Chris you'll see me all the time, and turn that damn camera off!"
"C'mon I want to get our last moments on camera! And also, I'm adding to my video diary."
"Well keep me out of it Christina, to talk to your boy toy or whatever his name is!"
"Shhhhh!!!! I don't want that junk on the tapes, Ari!" *clears throat* "ahem.. Ignore that y'all. Well uh...see you next time!" I said nervously, turning off the camera. "Really Arista??" ... "His name is Christopher by the way," I scowled.
"Haha! You guys basically have the same name!" Arista giggled.
"Shuttup, Ari!" I laughed, punching her shoulder. "Anyways, nuff' about me, let's hear about your 'boy toy'-Cade!" Arista blushed and looked away. "Oh be quiet Chrissy, I gotta finish getting packed," Ari smirked, then shooed me out the door.
I'm jealous of her and Cade. She gets to move in with the love of her life, and kiss him, and hold him, and make love to him! I'm so in love with Chris...but he lives in Pennsylvania! It kills me everyday knowing that I can't do all the things with him that Ari does with Cade. I grabbed my iPad off my bed and quickly opened up a photo of Chris. I realized how much I look at pictures of him-I even do it sometimes while I'm on the phone with him. Is that creepy? It's been one year already since I first met Chris online..and I fell in love with him the second I got to know him. I've never had feelings like I have for him before...I have never thought about someone so much before...I've never been so connected with someone before...I've never been so in love with someone before. He's all I think about, he's all I dream about, he's constantly on my mind; his laugh, his smile, his voice, his lips-oh! I want to kiss them so badly! I love him more than the moon and the sun and the whole galaxy! There's just one thing that stops me, that tortures me, that makes my heart stop...

He has a girlfriend.

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