Cringe Worthy (WARNING: sexual content!)

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I glared at my phone, waiting patently for Christopher to video chat me. Thoughts raced through my head: do I look okay? Will he think I look bad? Are my clothes okay? Will he be disappointed when he sees I don't look as pretty as I do in pictures?! This is the first time he's ever seen me in video! I tapped my nails on my thigh, waiting nervously. Finally, his cute face popped on the screen. I fumbled to put my headphones in my ears and joined in the chat...
There he was. He wasn't as cute as he looks in photos, but he was still complete perfection! He smiled at me goofily, and began to show me around his room. He went on and on with different stories, but all I could do was admire him and adore him. He made me so happy, just listening to him talk and seeing him smile. I took my iPad into the closet and laid on the floor, staring right at him. "I love you," I said warmly, smiling into the camera.
"I love you more," Chris said sweetly.
"I just wish I was with you, so I could hold you and kiss you, and show you how much I love you," I cooed. Chris grinned softly. His big brown eyes brightened his smile, "I wish I was there too," he smiled.
"I'd kiss you all over," I giggled, biting my lip and looking down at the floor beneath my chest. I yawned and stretched my legs; letting out a small moan.
"Auhh don't do that, Christina!" Chris blushed, burying his face into his arm.
"Do what? mean this?" I said, letting out another light moan.
"Gahh why do you do this to meeee?" Chris whined, covering his face.
I sat up on my knees and unhooked my bra, then I slipped my pajama pants off. Chris just stared into the camera with a goofy smile planted on his face. I rolled onto my back- just wearing panties and a T-shirt. Chris stared as I slowly slipped my panties down my legs, then pulled my shirt off. He cringed as he watched me rub my breasts and move my hand down further. "Auhh god, it's like cringe worthy but in the best way," Chris said covering his face, peeking through his spread fingers. His eyes laid glued to my naked body: first at my chest, then to my crotch where my hand lay... gently rubbing. I rolled back onto my tummy and fished my hand into the large bin next to me; filled completely with empty vodka bottles. The bottles were about 10 inches long and each one had a small neck of about 1.5 inches wide and 4inches tall. I pulled out a bottle and placed it in front of the camera. "Haha, what if I sat on this?" I giggled nervously. Christopher's eyes widened. "Please do it, I beg of you!" Chris pleaded. My heart stopped for a second..I didn't expect him to ask! Although, I didn't kinda throw out the idea. I thought about it for a minute...if I did it, he'd see how chubby I was! My cheeks turned dark red as I stared at the empty bottle. I looked at him; his eyes pleading me to do it. "Uhh... Okay," I nodded. I took a deed gulp and backed away from the camera. I covered myself as I carefully placed the bottle underneath me. My body shook with fear and embarrassment. I slowly lowered my body onto the bottle as Chris stared in awe. Suddenly I stopped. "Umm, how much do you have in?" Chris asked, blushing profusely.
"All of it," I paused. I could see the sudden arousal burn in his eyes as he gasped and let out a small groan. The pleasure of the bottle burned inside me. Nervous thoughts rattled through my brain: he saw me do it, what next? I was so embarrassed, I sat in silence for a few seconds...then I began to move up and down on the bottle. Chris' eyes glowed as he came closer to the screen, staring intensely. I rode the bottle slowly, feeling the pleasure move up inside me. Oh, how I wish it was him. I began letting out deep sexual pants. Christopher immediately started masturbating. My heart jumped, I couldn't believe we were doing this! It was getting so embarrassing, so I stopped and removed the bottle. I tossed a shirt over the camera and got dressed. My legs were weak as I laid back down to talk to Chris. We were both so embarrassed and ashamed, but god, it was so fun! It wasn't long until he had to go.

That night as I lay in bed, the thought of that moment replayed through my head over and over: the way he looked at me, the way my heart pounded against my chest, oh! And the way he stroked his voluptuous man mean right before my very eyes!! Just thinking about it made me so happy! Even though it made me feel embarrassment, shame, and self-conscience, it also made me feel excitement, lust, and happiness! The experience itself was scandalous, but it wasn't just a naughty experience, it happened with such love and passion! The burning sensation I felt in my chest as I was exposed in from of him, it wasn't something I would feel if I did the same thing with anyone else! It made me realize how much I love Christopher...because I would have never have done that on camera with anyone other than him. It sickens me thinking that I can't kiss him and hold him...I need to be with him! I love him so much, it consumes me. I sat in bed, looking up at the ceiling; "oh lord, please. Please can I be with him? I know it's a selfish thing to want! I understand people are out there praying for food and shelter and family, but please god please, bring him and I together, let me be with Christopher once! Just I can know what it's like to kiss him, and hold him, and hear him say he loves me! Just once...just once..." A tear trickled down my face as I closed my eyes, dreaming of being with the one person I can't stand to be without... Christopher.

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