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Camila's POV

"Lauren? Do you know where I put my mug?" I called out from across the hallway for my girlfriend. "I swear to fucking god if I'm late-"

"Maybe you left it in the living room?" She answered, arising from the bathroom with a towel wrapped securely around her body. Lauren held a separate cloth in her grip which she used to drench out her dripping dark hair. "That's where you fell asleep."

Instantly after she had completed her sentence, I had rushed into our apartment's lounge area to find my silver travel mug I brought every day to work. 

"I don't know what I'd do without you," I admitted, approaching the wet girl from the familiar hallway. With outstretched arms I waddled towards her, but she slowly backed away with each step.

"Babe, I'm gonna soak your dress," Lauren shook her head and put her hands out. "I don't think the parents at the conferences today would approve of you showing up so unprofessionally."

I pouted out my lower lip and crossed my arms across my chest, "That so isn't fair. Can I at least get a quick peck?"

"Fine," Lauren groaned and leaned forward.

Our lips connected together gently for a quick moment, but just as the older girl was about to pull away I sent my hands to the back of her neck and pulled her closer. A soft moan was elicited from the girl's mouth when my tongue darted inside, searching for hers. Once I felt her own hands find their way onto my back and carefully creep down, I pulled back and rushed away back into the living room to officially retrieve my coffee container. 

"See you later, babe!" I blew her a kiss and took one last look at the flustered girl before exiting our own home.


"Do we really have to even do this?" Ally asked, sighing as her question caused Troy to throw his head back in laughter. "I mean, come on. We've talked about Trevor every time we have a girl's night," she huffed. "Say, Troy? Can you grab me a coffee from across the street?"


"Please, honey," Ally sniffled, looking at her husband with a pleading expression across her face. 

The man stood up with a loud exhale, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek before leaving the empty classroom.

"So did Lauren propose yet?"

"What?" My eyes widened and I almost choked on my saliva. "Ally... I really don't think that'll be happening anytime soon."

"Why not? You guys have been dating on and off for ages," she groaned. "Also, it's been a pretty consistent relationship for almost nine months now."

"But it wasn't always like that. Don't you remember how rocky it was?" I looked down at my desk, gulping heavily at the past memories at the start of our relationship.

Ally snorted and then cleared her throat, "That's because Lauren was being a stupid asshole who was only thinking about herself."

A small smile found itself onto my complexion at the smaller girl's words, "God, I was so pissed after I found out she planned that whole 'reveal Austin as a cheater' shit; and with fucking Brad Simpson?"

"Well at least you're not with that douche bag anymore," Ally shrugged. "And yeah, Lauren might have been acting like a complete idiot, but that's way behind you guys now. Start your new life now! Didn't she finally buy that store in the mall?"

"Yeah. She's really excited about starting her own record store in there instead of working at the old one," I grinned. "It's really cute."

"You two are cute. Now can you just get married already?" The older woman smirked before relaxing back into her seat. "Speaking of excitement, how has she been with her stuttering and all the emotions?"

If I Were A Boy (camren)Where stories live. Discover now