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This book has been written from my experience and what I have been taught, I do WTF (World Taekwondo Federation, so if you do ITF then I am not sure if this book will be helpful. I spent a long time typing it and thinking of my own tips and tricks. This book is special to me and I would appreciate it if no one copies it, all rights are reserved as its my book :) of course I don't take rights for the photos or videos I post as they don't belong to me. I hope in the near future I can make videos to share :) but its not a promise and there is a high chance I won't be able to do it. I also wanted to say that if you get hurt while doing any of these sports i don't take responsibility, i haven't got hurt while doing any of these, but you have to be sensible about it and know when to stop pushing and prodding at your body, remember we are humans and not robots, don't expect a six pack in one day. It is not going to happen and we all know that, so yeah if you get hurt while doing this its at your own risk. But if you do proper stretching and warming up you will be more than fine :) that's about it.

I hope it helps and you enjoy it. Also if you're doing taekwondo, you should do it because you enjoy it, not because you've been forced into it or because your siblings does it , it should come from the heart else it won't mean anything to you and you won't be able to succeed in it. You need to think of the advantage for example:

* A black belt would look amazing on your CV ;)

* you're becoming healthy and you're losing weight in the process (you might even end up with a toned body.

* you're making our whole body strong, not just your hands or legs

*you won't need steroids to look good (steroids make your body look droopy after the effects run out and it's not worth the risks of multiple diseases)

* your stamina would raise (you can run away from kidnapper wooo hooo!!! Unless there hot, you can show em some of your moves ;) )

* you won't need to try to look hot as it keeps you young (my master looks not one day older than 20 but he's 35, it shocking really)

* you can show of discreetly to friends once in a while.

*good way to let out stress (we all get that)

*its the only time you can run away from school work or anything else; you clear your mind.

* it helps with concentration for whatever you do ( trust me my focusing skills never existed before)

* Lets not forget that now you can kick A$$ in the name of self-defense ;)

The list continues really which is why i love this sport.

you need to have a kindle of fire filled with passion inside you and the great thing is that fuel would be practice after practice.

Taekwondo WTF(World Taekwondo Federation)Where stories live. Discover now