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Lila's Pov
I began feeling the hunger my body was raking with convulsions. Within minutes Sam ,Dean and Bobby come busting through the door. The grab me forcing me onto the bed . Dean and Bobby held me down while Sam cuffed my hands and ankles to the bed.
I struggled trying to brake free but to no avail. They leave the room slamming the door and locking it. I couldent think straight my vision was fuzzy and I was getting dizzy . Red and black spots began filling my vision before I black out completely.
I wake up to a high pitch buzzing noise it was filling my body. I try to sit up but was still restrained from the cuffs . I growled in aggravation and thrashed struggling to break the cuffs. Unfortunetly I was weak from lack of blood. I didn't need real food until the blood was out of my system thankfully.
I sat there with my eyes closed waiting for this all to be over. I go through another round of convulsions when I hear a laughter. Forcing my eyes open I look around and see Sam .
He smirks down at me like this is the funniest thing ever. "Look at yourself, look at what you have become it's discusting. He says looking at me with a grimace .
I flinch at his remark looking away. "Your pathetic all chained drown to the chair thrashing about . Your so weak" he adds shaking his head in disgust. I begin to cry squeezing my eyes closed. "Now your gonna cry , that's so childish Lila . I don't understand how I could have loved someone like you. You're weak ,pathetic, ugly and ridiculous. I don't know what I was thinking dating you . I can't be live I ever held you, kissed you or even talked to you" he states with malice. I shake my head screaming and crying.
I open my eyes and he was gone disappeared with out I trace. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I had been holding. I close my eyes trying to go back to sleep.
Sam's Pov
Lila has started detoxing we had to go it there and chain her down because she was conversing and trying to escape. It was extremely painful watching her go through this. I could here every scream every thrash and every sob that she made.
I don't know if she has started hallucinating yet but I hope she won't have to go through that. Hearing the people you love the moat tell you such horrible lies really gets to you it tears at your very soul. I cringe remembering all the awful things Dean told me when I was strapped to that very same bed.
Bobby walked up beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you take a break I'll watch over her for awhile " he stated . I took one last look at her sleeping form and nodded walking up the steps . Walking into the kitchen I grabbed the ingredients and made me a sandwich and grabbed a bottle of beer . Sitting on the couch next to Dean I began eating my sandwich .
"How's she doing Sam" he asked giving me a meek smile? "The same she's either writhing in pain ,shaking or sleeping " I replied taking a long drink. He nodded and patted my shoulder. "Shell get better you know she will just give her a few more days on lockdown and it will be out of her system" he explained . "I know it's just hard to have to see her like this knowing how much pain she's in " I reply getting back up to throw away my trash.
Lila's Pov
I woke up with my stomach cramping like crazy. My vision was clear but the pain was evident behind my eyes. I groaned wishing I could rub my eyes to alleviate some of the pain .
I sighed and blew a breath of air on my face to get it out of my eyes. Another round of shaking convulsions rips through my body. Squeezing my eyes closed to shut out the dizziness I take deep breathes. I open my eyes and immediately seen the one person I thought I would never see again.
"Mom" I ask not be living my eyes? She laughs a cold dark laugh. "Yes and look who we have here my sad excuse for a daughter. What happened to you , you used to be smart and use full and now your so worthless that no body wants you around. I can't be live that I wasted my time taking care of you for 17 years. I thought we trained you better but no you couldn't even keep us from dying if it wasn't for you we would be alive. " she sneers . "I'm sorry" I manage to say through my tears .
"You are sorry how is that suppressed to help me now? Is sorry gonna bring us back? I raised you better than this look at yourself. No one loves you . You drink demon blood that's lower that letting us die. Your such a freak , a dirty little stupid freak" she stated. I cried closing my eyes shaking my head "YOUR NOT REAL, YOUR NOT REAL LEAVE ME ALONE" I scream at the top of my lungs thrashing.
I open my eyes and she was gone . I sighed and tried to gain back my composure. I was beginning to feel better my eyes hurt less and I wasn't as dizzy. My muscles were still cramping but I didn't Convulse as much.
I'm hoping that this is almost done because as soon as I get out of here I can see Sam. I miss him so much it feels like years since I've seen his hazel eyes or his heart stopping smile. I true my hope that he can forgive me for everything I have done I know he says he understands and forgives me but I truly hope he means it because I don't know what I would do with out him.
Before I let him my life was empty and I had nothing to live for. He gives me a reason to get up in the morning. I slowly fall back asleep .

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