Chapter 1

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              Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, bright red from my recent crying. My pillow muffled my last sobs as I push myself up off my stomach. I sat quietly; I couldn't let them hear that I was crying – again. 

             The past few days have been hell. Complete, total, fucking hell. Quickly, I glanced at my iPod; the song Mr. Brightside by The Killers was a minute from ending. I paused it and removed my earphones; the strange empty silence enveloped me again. I felt numb; I couldn't even feel anything anymore. As the coldness pricked my body, I could feel a brand new set of tears forming. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching my room.

             Quickly, I wiped at my eyes and pulled back the strands of hair that were stuck to my face. Trying to clear away any trace of my sadness, I thought about positive thoughts. "Brianna?" A light knock followed after. "Yeah, Mom?" I tried making my voice as normal as possible, trying to keep my crying a secret. "Dinner is ready. Hurry, before it gets cold." She lingered a moment before her footsteps slowly receded down the stairs, back to the dining room. I looked slowly around the bedroom, the numbers of my alarm clock flashed at me: 8:45 P.M.

              The  cold floor creaked underneath my bare feet as I pushed myself off the bed and walked over to my mirror. I sighed sadly as I studied myself. Sure enough there were still tears coating my hazel eyes. Shit, I thought to myself, there's no way to hide them from Mom and Nickolas at the dinner table. I have to get better; they can't see me sad like this. Suddenly, my heart pounded, realizing that tomorrow was already Monday. Would I even go to school tomorrow?

               Of course I had to. So what if the whole school found out that my boyfriend cheated on me with Hailey Miller, one of the most popular girls at Fallstone High? I couldn't let this get to me. Silently, I intertwined my fingers between my blue tresses, staring once more at my reflection; fully knowing it already had. I could still perfectly recall the conversation I had with Andrew last Friday night after the homecoming game, when he finally told me it was over.

              "But... but you told me that you loved m-me..." My voice chocked as my blue watery eyes looked up desperately at his face. "I know, Bri. I did, but I don't have those same feelings now. People change. I changed." His voice was unemotional; he didn't even look at me. "Was it something I did?" I could hardly recognize my own voice. "No, it wasn't." He said sharply. "Then what's the reason? There's always a reason, And-" "Because I said so!" His annoyed voice felt like a slap. Everything went still. "Babe lets go. Don't waste your time on her."

               A very familiar voice broke the silence. Hailey stepped from behind him, wearing a sweater with a light shirt several sizes too small, her cleavage just begging for attention. Slowly, she took his arm and put it around her small waist. Her lips were twisted into a noticeable satisfied grin. I was speechless. He would always tell me that she would flirt with him, but he promised he would never give in. It was like a game to her, stealing boyfriends was probably all she specialized in. I cut back my tears and looked straight at his face. "So she stole you too, huh?" My voice was cold and hurt. The only response I got was a weak nod. His eyes remained staring at the floor. "Bye, Brianna." And just like that, they walked away, hand in hand.

              My sobs only got worse as I tried clamping a hand over my mouth. The memories clouded my mind; I was almost unable to hear my phone ringing. When I glanced at the caller I.D. I wanted to cry even more. "Hello?" I sniffled; my voice was a bit hoarse. "Don't tell me you're still crying over that fucking asshole!" Alexis almost screamed into the phone. "Yes, Lex. I still a-am." My voice cracked a little. "Oh hell no!" Her voice was loud, earning a few weak laughs from me. I couldn't imagine what I would do without this girl. She's one of the few best friends I've had in my entire life.

             "How are you?" Her voice was much calmer. "Honestly? I feel like shit but hopefully I'll get better." I wiped at my eyes. "Yeah, you'll feel better – once I kill his lying, cheating ass tomorrow!" Immediately, we both started cracking up. "Oh my god, Lex! Don't – don't do that!" I couldn't even breathe. "Brianna Dawson, you know as much as I do, that he deserves it." "I guess." My voice went quiet. "Hey. Don't worry about tomorrow, you'll sit with us, promise." I could almost hear her smile. "Thanks, Lex. I owe you." "See you tomorrow, Bri. Bye." 

              I clicked the phone. My eyes set on my alarm clock: 9:28 P.M. Well, the food was probably already cold and my eyes were probably still pink, so I just decided to take a long shower.


So what did you think of my first chapter? Did you like it? I would love for you to let me know! Thanks (:

- Itzel

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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