Chapter 4

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The doctor eventually came out and told us that Zipporah had low blood sodium which meant that sodium and other things were out of balance in her body. The doctors "said" that she was going to be okay, but I started to really get worried when they rushed her into the intensive care unit. At that moment he didn't think it was the low blood sodium, he thought it escalated to something more. "Ummm, doc what's going on back there?," Jonathan said. "We have to do a standardized procedure on Ms. Evans, see we believe her skull is fractured and we have to do everything we possibly can to save her," the doctor said. "What do you mean save her?" Jonathan said anxious. "Sir, I'm going to need you to go back to the waiting area, we will inform you when we have an update on things," the doctors says leading him to the waiting area then heading back to the ICU. Jonathan had began to cry and put his face in his hand. He didn't know if he was gonna lose her that day or what, but what he was worried about was his daughter's Natalie, Zion, & Nicole.

Still in the waiting with no answers. The doctors have yet to come back and give him an update about what's going on with Zipporah. Jonathan begins pacing around the room and then gives it up. He can't wait any longer not knowing if his girlfriend is going to make it out alive. Jonathan walks up to the ICU desk and ask the Woman a question. "Excuse me, can you give me an update on Zipporah Evans," Jonathan asks the desk clerk. " Ms. Evans is in surgery right now," the desk clerk said. "Surgery?" He thought to himself. How could this begin with low blood sodium and escalate to a fractured skull and surgery. Something is wrong and Jonathan needed to know before anyone else. "Do you know what happened to her?, why does she have a fractured skull," Jonathan says. "Unfortunately sweetheart I don't know, I'm sorry," the desk clerk says returning back to what she was doing.

"Ummm excuse me sir, are you of relation to Zipporah Evans?," the doctor came to ask Jonathan in the waiting room. "Yes, is everything okay?," Jonathan says swiftly standing up. "Zipporah's skull is fractured on the right side and we will try everything in our power to help her. It appears that Zipporah had one heck of a blow to the head which caused her skull to crack," the doctor said. "What? How could that be?," Jonathan asks. "She could've been in a very traumatic and deadly accident. She must've not had it checked out," the doc said. Then Jonathan began to think. "Could an  accident be an bomb explosion at a high school?," Jonathan asks. "Yes, with all that debris, you wouldn't know what could hit you and knock you out just like that," the doctor said. "Could it be she'd had it and not known about it?" Jonathan asked. "Probably, how could you know if anything was going on with you until you check it out," the doctor says. "How is she doing?," Jonathan asks. "There still in surgery, but I'm gonna tell you it's not looking good,  I have to get back inside but you're more than welcome to sit there and wait, I'm not sure how long it will take until her surgery is over so just sit tight, I'll update you when I can," the doctors says then putting back on his gear and going back inside. "It wasn't looking good" How could it not b good, Zipporah has been doing okay ever since she had Zion and the twins. "How could this be" ??

Jonathan didn't know what to do, after hours of waiting in the waiting room the doctor came back out. "We just got out of surgery and everything is looking ok for now," the doctor said. "What do you mean "for now"," Jonathan says sadly. "Well its more than low sodium thats causing Zipporah to have these seizers, it seems that Zipporah is suffering from brain cancer," The doctors said. "How can this be? Just hours ago she was playing with our kids and being herself and all of a sudden she has brain cancer?," Jonathan says as he starts to cry. "You don't really notice the symptoms of someone with brain cancer by just looking at them, with the way things are looking for Zipporah for now she seems to be stable, I'll update you when I can, the doctor says before going back. Jonathan couldn't believe the news.  He never thought that as much stuff as Zipporah had to encounter in her life that God would allow this to happen to her.

March 10th
11:30 a.m
Nancy finally showed up at the hospital and woke Jonathan up to see what was going on. "Johnny whats going on? Is everything okay?," Nancy asks. "Zipporah isn't doing too good, they say she has brain cancer," Jonathan says sadly. "Brain Cancer? How can that be?," Nancy says slowly sitting down in the chair sad to hear the news. "They say we can't tell that she has Brain Cancer just by looking at her, she must've gotten the cancer a while back, I don't know this news is really devastating news," Jonathan says putting his face in his hands as he begins to sob. Nancy nor Jonathan could bare losing Zipporah because for Nancy she was the closest thing to a daughter that she had and for  Jonathan she was the closest thing to family that he had and their daughters. Jonathan didn't want to face the reality of becoming a single parent in high school, that was something that he just didn't want to do. Seeing how his mom was the only one who raised him up because his dad died before he was born, he didn't want to be a reflection of his mother.

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