Chapter 1

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The brightness of the morning sun and the loud chirping of the birds was the reason why Liam had woken up extra early and was now laying in his bed playing with his boyfriend's fingers. His boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson, who Liam has now been dating for 2 years. Louis was also his band mate and his best friend along with 4 other lads but Liam didn't seem to have any concern about that as long as he woke up next to Louis every morning and fell asleep in his arms every night.

They were still in the closet, if that's what you like to call it. Non of them were brave enough to come out to their so called obsessed fans. And to be honest, they haven't even talked about that yet. They were just so caught up in each other to think about anything else.

"What shampoo do you use again, babe? You hair smells amazing" Louis mumbled, snapping Liam out of his little dream world. He looked over to Louis, whose eyes were half open, half closed but there was a certain small smile playing on his lips. Liam blushed, when Louis raised an eyebrow, his eyes still closed.

"The strawberry one" Liam whispered slowly in Louis' ear, as Louis snaked an arm around Liam's waist pulling him closer and tangling their legs together under the warm sheets. Liam giggled and blushed at the contact of Louis' skin against his. Even after being with Louis for 2 years, Liam was still shy, his innocence never leaving him and made him blush whenever Louis neared him. It was just the way Liam was and Louis was seriously okay with that. To be honest, he fuckin loved it.

"You are amazing" Liam mumbled against Louis neck, smiling to himself as Louis' musky scent flowed up to his nose.

"Yeah, I know" Louis stated, and Liam giggled again because his boyfriend did have a big ego and because Louis fingers were trailing lightly on Liam sides, purposely tickling him. Liam was now full on giggling and breathing heavily and struggling against Louis' arms telling him to stop.

"Nope, not stopping Payne" Louis said, crawling over Liam's writhing body and making the touch of his fingers even lighter which set Liam into a yet another fit of giggles.

"Lou, stop" Liam pouted, fluttering his eyelashes at Louis, who seemed to have stopped slowly but he was definately not the one to give up so easily.

"I will, but I need a kiss to do that" Louis said, wriggling his eyebrows at the boy beneath. Liam sighed but let out a small smile tangling his hands around Louis' neck, drawing him in closer to his lips.

"As you wish" Liam whispered before slowly pecking Louis' lips.

"That was hardly a kiss!" Louis grumbled, Liam shrugged and Louis just couldn't help but grab Liam and pull him straight to his lips. Liam gasped but then grabbed Louis' waist steading the older boy who was now arcing Liam up slowly as they kissed deeper. Liam ran his tongue across Louis' lips serverally times hoping for a chance to get inside but Louis was teasing, bad. So Liam, had to move his hands up to his hair pulling on them slightly and a moan immediately escaped his mouth giving Liam a chance to enter. Louis groaned in defeated but then let his tongue dance with Liam. Soon, they pulled away, resting their foreheads together and feeling quite dizzy from the kiss they had just shared.

"Now, that's what I call a kiss" Louis said, pecking Liam' noise and then rolling off him. Liam grinned and nodded, letting his head rest on Louis' chest as Louis wrapped his arms around him again.

"I love you, Lou" Liam said, staring up at Louis as he did so. Louis grinned down at him, gently tugging in some of Liam's curls.

"Love you too, bambi" Louis whispered, grinning brighter when Liam rolled his eyebrows at the given nickname. Liam wasn't a big fan of nicknames, but when they came out of Louis, he didn't mind.

"Liam have you ever thought about coming out to" Louis asked, after a while of silence. Liam instantly looked up at his boyfriend, eyes wide. Louis shifted slightly, but pulled Liam closer afraid that Liam would pull out or leave him.

"No, not really. Why?" Liam asked, his eyes still watching Louis, who seemed to be finding the ceiling more interesting at this moment.

"I duno. Maybe I want to tell them" Louis said, finally aslast meeting Liam's eyes, finding the needed comfort instantly. Louis could tell Liam was quite shaken from his answer but they were ready he knew that. Their fans were amazing and supportive and it will all be fine as long as management agree.

"And maybe I want to too" Liam said, pushing himself up on his elbow as he gave Louis a warm smile which he happily returned.

"Really?!" Louis gasped, and Liam nodded cupping Louis' cheek while his thumb rubbed against Louis' lips.

"Really." Liam replied, leaning down slowly.

"You are amazing" Louis whispered before Liam's lips landed on his.

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